US Supreme COurt upholds health care bill

They were clever though... they call it paying taxes.

some people don't pay taxes and some even get money from the government while getting free healthcare. So how is that going to work in the States for those living on Social Assistance and old age? And what about the guy that sleeps on the street.
some people don't pay taxes and some even get money from the government while getting free healthcare. So how is that going to work in the States for those living on Social Assistance and old age? And what about the guy that sleeps on the street.

The guy sleeping on the street likely had his job outsourced :)
anyone that actually read the decision should know that it is one of the most reasonable decisions to come out of the Supreme Court.

It is well supported by both logic and jurisprudence.

but that wouldn't stop a bunch of people from throwing out their talking points I guess.
anyone that actually read the decision should know that it is one of the most reasonable decisions to come out of the Supreme Court.

It is well supported by both logic and jurisprudence.

but that wouldn't stop a bunch of people from throwing out their talking points I guess.

Death Panels, oh knowwwwws

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