UPDATE Ride report - East Coast trip


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I'm planning aa East Coast trip from Toronto in the month of May (starting the long weekend). Looking for any recommendations/advice from people who know the area or have already done this route.

Toronto --> Quebec City --> Moncton --> N.Sydney (via Halifax) --> St Barbe --> Port Hope Simpson --> Labrador City --> Saguenay --> Montreal --> Toronto

I plan to complete this in 9/10 days. I'm riding a Triumph Tiger 800 (carrying extra fuel). I'm unsure about the weather though.

You might want to add a few days to your trip, you’ll be hard pressed to do that trip in that amount of time
You might want to add a few days to your trip, you’ll be hard pressed to do that trip in that amount of time
Thanks.. will add 2/3 days
That's definitely not a 10 day trip (at least, not an enjoyable one). What sort of sustained consecutive daily mileage have you done on that bike/seat previously? A couple of ten hour day shakedowns near home is a good start, but little things that are merely uncomfortable on the first day can turn into screaming agony by the third or fourth day. The seat is the most important, but I once almost had to turn back in the middle of an NS trip because my earplugs started to hurt my ears so badly after a few consecutive riding days, for example.

May is also surprisingly cold on the east coast if you're used to Toronto weather. Bring heated gear and good rain gear. I have no experience with the upper loop of your trip, but I would expect that to be really frigging cold in May. Check the historic weather records for an idea. That 12 hour stretch to Labrador City could be kind of nice at 10 degrees in the afternoon, or it could be actually dangerous if you tried to bull your way through it while it was near freezing and raining after dark. I did one of my NS trips in early July and I was wearing my rain gear most of the time just to cut down on the windchill.
Yeah agree about the comments about the weather. Could be cooler then you think. I believe they only get about a month or so where they don't run heating in their homes.

Don't forget to check out Magnetic Hill in Moncton. Just silly fun.
Nice trip, I'd be planning to leave 3 - 4 weeks later in June vs. May 20. This means all or most of the trip complete before parents hit the road with kids and the weather will be much better, less rain. There is nothing more miserable than all day or multi-day rain in under 10 C degree weather.

As others have mentioned, bring heated gear and rainwear.
I'd be heading south chasing spring.
N Side St Lawrence and east can be miserable even in June. Wet and cold.
Even Gaspe in May I'd not want to do voluntarily 🥶
We did this last year. We left June 17 for 16 days. We froze riding through Vermont the first 3 days. Like 4 degrees and rain on day two. I personally wouldn't do that trip so early.
That's definitely not a 10 day trip (at least, not an enjoyable one). What sort of sustained consecutive daily mileage have you done on that bike/seat previously? A couple of ten hour day shakedowns near home is a good start, but little things that are merely uncomfortable on the first day can turn into screaming agony by the third or fourth day. The seat is the most important, but I once almost had to turn back in the middle of an NS trip because my earplugs started to hurt my ears so badly after a few consecutive riding days, for example.

May is also surprisingly cold on the east coast if you're used to Toronto weather. Bring heated gear and good rain gear. I have no experience with the upper loop of your trip, but I would expect that to be really frigging cold in May. Check the historic weather records for an idea. That 12 hour stretch to Labrador City could be kind of nice at 10 degrees in the afternoon, or it could be actually dangerous if you tried to bull your way through it while it was near freezing and raining after dark. I did one of my NS trips in early July and I was wearing my rain gear most of the time just to cut down on the windchill.
This is great feedback. Thanks Ash. I am used to riding 10-11 hours in a day on stock seat of the tiger. I am looking into heated gear and good rain gear.

Weather from May 2022 in Labrador City

It snowed on May 28

Does look like I might have to change my dates or pick another route

Yeah agree about the comments about the weather. Could be cooler then you think. I believe they only get about a month or so where they don't run heating in their homes.

Don't forget to check out Magnetic Hill in Moncton. Just silly fun.
If I do go for this route I'll check it out

I'd be heading south chasing spring.
N Side St Lawrence and east can be miserable even in June. Wet and cold.
Even Gaspe in May I'd not want to do voluntarily 🥶
Any suggestions on routes towards the south?

We did this last year. We left June 17 for 16 days. We froze riding through Vermont the first 3 days. Like 4 degrees and rain on day two. I personally wouldn't do that trip so early.
With all the comments it looks like I might have to change my dates or pick a different route
Routes to the south in May? There will be lots of suggestions - I generally headed down to PA 44/144 Coudersport day one and then further on the twisty roads till it started to get green.
Shane Kingsley is your guy for routes further on ...there is always The Skyline Drive and BRP
Shane Kingsley is your guy for routes further on ...there is always The Skyline Drive and BRP
This winter I was reading through some of the older trips. There is so much to read. I couldn't cover a lot but I have bookmarked a few for later. Shane definitely has every info that we will ever need but I would also search the older threads. Just saying...

OP - good luck with your trip. Looking forward to reading your ride report :)
Bring some anti monkey butt powder for the longer days.
Bring some anti monkey butt powder for the longer days.
It helps prevent. But if it's too late, the cure is cleanliness. Hot water and soap. Clean underwear. Bleach to kill the bacteria. Apply antibacterial cream each nite. Athletes foot cream is best. Really!
If you’ve never been that way before definitely try to get in a whale watching trip on the St Lawrence at Tadoussac. One of the most amazing and most Canadian things I’ve done. Just realize you’re watching whales in a river and you’re still hundreds of kms away from the sea. Incredible stuff. Oh, and the food in Quebec is levels above here.
If you’ve never been that way before definitely try to get in a whale watching trip on the St Lawrence at Tadoussac. One of the most amazing and most Canadian things I’ve done. Just realize you’re watching whales in a river and you’re still hundreds of kms away from the sea. Incredible stuff. Oh, and the food in Quebec is levels above here.
will pencil that in
will pencil that in
Definitely do! It’s also not as pricey as you might think. Also nearby are the Saguenay fjords. If you have time to ride around those it would be very worthwhile too. I’ve driven out that way and will be returning to ride the roads I was on.
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