UPDATE: Engine bolt extraction.

BTW the ease of removal is often dictated by why the bolt broke.

The worst case is it snapped while removing it from a corroded assembly and the piece left will be in there tight.

A piece that is left in hole because it snapped when a too long bolt bottomed out will be harder because there will be pressure on the threads. However once it gets backed out a fraction of a turn things get easier.

If the bolt snapped due to over torquing or over loading and hasn't bottomed in the hole it doesn't have much pressure on the thread. Your best hope.

I'm guessing yours is the latter.
Thanks for the advice but I have no experience in these type of situation. The only thing I do on my own to this bike is the oil change. I am looking for anybody or place that have the equipment/tools with experience to perform this task. I've been told by the dealership that I bought this bike from that they don't want to touch it and that this task can go south real quick and I would need a new engine which they said would cost $8000.00!!!!

One reason a lot of service departments don't like these situations is that one has to think about the problem and there is no flat rate amount for thinking. That's the reason I generally like independent owner operated shops.
I second everything Mike said Trial s said ….. other than I would probably use a lathe to make sleeve to put over the drill to enter it in the hole.

A left hand bit is ideal , but right hand bit can be ground to cut left in a pinch , It wont self feed but it will cut ..

I suspect that the heat of welding would destroy most of the threads and aluminum melts at a much lower temp them steel.

How did it break ? was it twisted off being tightened, or loosened , or broke off in a crash ?
UPDATE: just to update everyone. I want to first thank everybody with the advice/solutions on how to extract the bolt out. I got my friend to come pay me a visit and he was able to drill and tap the broken bolt out. He cleaned up the hole and rethreaded it and replaced it with a new bolt.
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