Up shifting without a quick shifter

Not sure why you keep bringing up the HM into the conversation. HM was the high end version, it was a different product than the Annitori.

Maybe I am not explaining myself properly but I never made reference to the HM, I always referenced the Annitori.

If what you are saying is that the new Annitori Gold version is completely different than the Annatori Red version then I can understand, however when I talked to Paul (since we are name dropping :) ) he mentioned the thousands of hours he spent making the necessary calculations for it to work properly, so i doubt that they trowed that in the garbage and started from fresh.

I know they upgraded or changed their electronics and eliminated the buttons and added more setting and features to replace the HM and they want to go away from the bad perception the old annitori has since it wasn't reliable, but it is the same concept, the same name, the same company and the same equations.

I don't even know what the point of this conversation is anymore lol.

Just dont tell Paul Annitori that. We had a lengthy conversation during their beta phase where he explained to me that the new version is now 100% theirs and doesn't share a single component with the HM version they used to distribute, i.e. the red version.
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Not sure why you keep bringing up the HM into the conversation. HM was the high end version, it was a different product than the Annitori.

Maybe I am not explaining myself properly but I never made reference to the HM, I always referenced the AnnitorI...

Final post, I promise. The red version was made with HM, next time you see one look at it, the HM logo is right on it. I belive it said Annitori by HM.
lol - no really tell us how you feel about it.
I know 3 people that had problems with them, 4 including me. Too bad because I really liked the product and their customer service is fantastic, the QS works great... when it works

Hopefully the new one is better

**** that qs big peice of crap

This used to be my signature, but Paulo didn't like it.
My bike came with Dynojet equipment, PC plus QS module. I've never had to tweak it, but the shift lever does have some play and I've never had a false shift.
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