Unofficial GTAM Chat Operational

Hmm, Im getting a SOCKET error... Sayis I'm disconnected by a peer on my KVirc.

Anyone got any ideas?

Mibbit? At least while you're fixing the kvirc problem.

Maybe reboot will help.

Edit: Someone here is suggesting selecting a specific server. Try now.
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I had a lot of problems with kvirc so I just use mibbit when I'm at school or I use regular mIRC

Tonight's hot topic(s) for chat:
What porn is hewathe watching?
Who is toysforboys' next victim?
Is chels really a girl, boy and/or girlboy?
Tonight's hot topic(s) for chat:
What porn is hewathe watching?
Who is toysforboys' next victim?
Is chels really a girl, boy and/or girlboy?
I dunno what porn hewathe is watching, but I have a feeling it's somebody's home brew on

My next victim? Well, I will place a bet... "NONE!" My most recent 2up'er has... ummmm..., so nobody else goin on the back of my bike :D

And Chels is really a girl. Hop on her facebook account (I can't anymore :(). If she's not, that's a heck of a lot of fake pics she's got ;)

-Jamie M.
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Wow i havent used IRC in years lol... since my olf Counter strike days lmao
just joined and no 1 is on :(
Wrong server or channel.. Even when nobody's talking, some people stay connected while they sleep.
Next newbie chat user to join up will get a big kiss from me.

This is me.
I'd like to thank everyone that helped me out today in the chat room.

What started out as an INVESTIGATION and purchase of oil turned into an informed decision and actually getting a job done that I was really planning on doing tomorrow. haha

Also, my "warm the oil up ride" was pretty much a cruise around all over.
I got the job done AND a ride out of it.

You were right. I DID need an oil change, my 1st to 2nd shifts are smooth again.

Thanks for the advice in oil selection. I couldn't find what you recommended but I'm actually happy with the 15w40. I don't mind changing it a little more often and for what I paid for the pail, it's cheaper than dino.

Drainage tips and storage advice helped. I didn't idle it for awhile. I really didn't like the idea of running without oil. I just started it up and let it sit for a few seconds, shut down. drain.... repeat. The side of the crank case said 3300ml and that's pretty much what I put in to get the level up the the full mark.

Ha! I just noticed that you DID get your name changed!
Tips on checking oil level after a ride and of course - where the stinkin' drain plug is located are greatly appreciated. I was looking at the wrong area of the bike and would probably still be looking for the plug if you didn't link that pic!

Imaginary rep points to you all! :laughing8:
Still don't know why more people aren't into chatting. Helps pass the work day. ;)
Still don't know why more people aren't into chatting. Helps pass the work day. ;)

Too lazy to install mIRC/kvIRC/X-Chat? :cool:
i had to stop chatting, wasn't getting any work done...gah...incidently, anyone on there reading this, so hi to the group for me...

Traitor! We'll send the torch and pitchfork-bearing mobs after you, right after they're done with that sheep****er dude! :cool:
I don't think I should take time away from my duties (teaching), to answer posts and chat requests...I might be wrong :-)
I'll give the irc a try when I get home (anybody know of a good irc client for iPhone?

Iridebikes got on the irc with his iphone so there should be something out there. I think Fring also has irc capabilities but I could be wrong.
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