Ultrasonic Cleaner purchase question advice


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So since I seem to be getting back into Carbs bike projects I'm looking at purchasing an Utrasonic cleaner. The 10 L is $200 13x10x10 Te 6L is $154 12.5x7x10 Anyone have an inline 4 Honda or Suzuki to measure the carbs. I know it is better to completely dissasemble but I would like the option not to. Also may use it to clean up heads and other parts.

Also if anyone has one how well does it work for you.

The carb rack on my GS1000 measures about 5"x7"x12 1/2".
The photo you posted indicates the outside dimensions. The inside will be considerably smaller.
I don't believe you will be able to fit the rack in as a complete unit.
They sell up to 30 L units. Thanks for the help.
Make sure the power climbs with the tank size. Start by checking out spec sheets from reputable manufacturers to find out what a good power rating is for the tank size you want, then look through the china crap to find something that fits the budget and has similar specs
I've cleaned several sets of carbs using an ultrasonic cleaner. You really need to completely disassemble the carbs to get them clean. When doing the larger pieces you need to roll them get out all the air and have fluid in contact with all of the surfaces.
I usually disassemble them but sometimes they are so grimy need to clean then disassemble and clean again. Last few times was a bucket of very hot Pinesol. Just make sure your well ventilated even with a lid. 10 L would probably do after disassembly.
a bit of change to spend and maybe not work well?

just me, but I'd buy a smaller one and one do one carb at a time
results will probably be better too
I have a 30L ultrasonic. I use it a lot, it does a pretty good job. It's not so great with big caked-on stuff though, so its best to clean as well as you can first and finish it up in the ultrasonic. That's my take, anyway. Use compressed air (a computer duster works) to blow out the larger stuff out of the passageways.

I have heard also that extended periods in the ultrasonic can start doing bad stuff to aluminum, so best keep the time down. I took the polished finish off of the aluminum hand controls on my S90 when I left it in the cleaner for 4 hours or so. Live and learn ?‍♂️
I left an old carb in the pinesol for 6 hours by mistake. Stripped the clear coat or what ever finish was on it off. Still usable just less pretty.
HF has a US cleaner that is 2.5 l and 160 watts of power. $80 US and usually cheaper with a coupon.

Has anyone tried this one and does it work well? Going to be in US shortly and will be going to HF anyway, so thought I'd pick one up if it works properly.
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