Ukash virus Ransomeware

On the tv show App Central they showed a usb stick that had a virus checker on it. I didn't catch the name of it but you put it into your usb port and turn on your computer and it does the scan and fixes the virus for you. I think it works on boot viruses as well.

I'm computer illiterate and also cynical about anything advertised on TV. Since there are countless hackers constantly trying new viruses is it realistic for a product, the USB cure-all, to be up to date considering development, marketing, production and shipping times?
Have another way to boot into another OS. Either by CD, USB or another partition. Just Google "bootable usb", plenty of options that don't depend on ordering off the TV.
this can affect individuals but can also impact networks & businesses on a large scale, just by one person in the chain, clicking on one wrong or bad link,

just read about 9 hospitals in the states who had to deal with their network being compromised,

for the individual, you must have a solid backup plan good to go, and 2 hard drives connected to one computer doesn't cut it, otherwise u are one wrong click away from losing everything
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Lots of posts on how to remove the program, but who cares, aren't all your file encrypted? Throwing everything in the fire is an easier approach. Hopefully you have a recent backup.

My second last day at work someone ran a ransom ware email. I threw out that computer and erased/restored the files it encrypted on the server.

If it happens again, pull the power cord as quickly as possible, encryption takes quite a while and the one I had to deal with ran alphabetically through drive letters and files.
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