Uglybros jeans. Anyone have 'em?

I'm a bit apprehensive of wearing riding 'jeans' and how well they'd hold up in a slide. But then again, they're better than short shorts! I've seen enough female riders wearing those... aye carumba!
Wow. She asks for store locations and gets all this fashion and financial advice. Wear whatever the hell you like. I couldn't care less. I can't help with store locations but, I can endorse Velocity as a source of well made, well priced gear.

And, just so I can chime in with the other sexist comments, there ain't nothin' sexier than full leathers (armour and all).
damn those are nice looking jeans! I'd consider them if they were a lot cheaper and not 5 inches to short.

They are really nice but $300 makes me have a sad :( And they'd have to be available in white girl sizes, not anorexic Asian girls (no offence Asian girls).
And they'd have to be available in white girl sizes, not anorexic Asian girls (no offence Asian girls).

-Jamie M.
Icon's latest riding gear for cheating whores and singletons:


does this come in black?

Some of us married still like to have something to look hot for the hubby and for ourselves too, ya know. It's too bad that somehow one is supposed to (oh wait, let me fix that for you before you fix mine..."expected to") strap on the apron, let everything sag, and shun off the fun stuff that made us interesting in the first place...

But you see, no need to explain, because ask a simple flippin' query about if anyone has tried the jeans, and possible store locations, and the whole thing goes t!t5 (pardon the pun) up. Oh well, again, thanks to those who were most helpful :).

Too bad they are 300 bux. Too bad they probably don't have all the protection they could. Maybe some of these comments would be helpful to to team at uglybros to make them more

I liked the idea of pockets to slide the armour into. I liked the way they had accounted for movement in areas that can be stiff. I liked how they accounted for the dreaded "butt crack" jean peep hole that shows when you're crouched over.

Again, thanks for the helpful critiques...and for the not so helpful.

Hopefully I will never see a patch of road rash, but with the thick skin and brain bashing you have to grow to filter thru the crap here, I can't see how ATTGATT would apply anymore!
Beautiful riding jeans...hope you find a pair. I had a peek at their website...nice product.
Chiming in as a denim head: these are the first real riding fashion jeans that I've seen. They're made out of 12oz denim which is a lot heavier than average denim (ESPECIALLY for women's denim).

At the $300 price range, without protection (assuming you opt out of the armour as the model does...not sure if it's true), you could get a decent set of heavier selvedge denim . At the end of the day, they're still jeans...but they'll definitely hold up better than average jeans. Although I wouldn't be able to tell you how much further you could slide on them, it's still an option.

Selvedge is generally higher quality, so it's less likely to rip at the seams if anything were to happen.
seems like protection on these jeans is an afterthought.

That being said, $300 for a pair of jeans is not by any means unreasonable. My own wardrobe consist of anything from $30 zara jeans to $200 diesels. Not sure why people are harping on spending $300 on decent looking clothing when they pay upwards of $4000 on bike insurance for 4 months of riding.

If you're looking for style, just shell out for some designer jeans and call it a day (i think selvedge is a bit overrated for what you pay for though). Armor is ultimately what makes pants look bulky and ugly.

I also don't think skinnies on a woman are any more slutty than a fitted v neck on a guy
Mmh, they do look good, both boys' and girls'. $250 from eBay...
Still pricey but to each their own... Also, there are plenty of $100 jeans around... compared to those, the buyer may be able to rationalize $250...
Mmh, they do look good, both boys' and girls'. $250 from eBay...
Still pricey but to each their own... Also, there are plenty of $100 jeans around... compared to those, the buyer may be able to rationalize $250...
You thought they looked good on the guy? I guess if you're into testicular torsion and the skinny jeaned hipster look...

The girl looks good in them but those jeans won't protect much of anything.
You thought they looked good on the guy? I guess if you're into testicular torsion and the skinny jeaned hipster look...

Not really, an old guy with a beer belly (like me) shouldn't be into skinny jeans (or any other 'skinny' clothing, like those suits / jackets that some guys are using downtown toronto).

But testicular torsion? Come'n! I liked the Motorpool pants. you can't really see any torsion there :D
Chiming in as a denim head: these are the first real riding fashion jeans that I've seen. They're made out of 12oz denim which is a lot heavier than average denim (ESPECIALLY for women's denim).

At the $300 price range, without protection (assuming you opt out of the armour as the model does...not sure if it's true), you could get a decent set of heavier selvedge denim . At the end of the day, they're still jeans...but they'll definitely hold up better than average jeans. Although I wouldn't be able to tell you how much further you could slide on them, it's still an option.

Selvedge is generally higher quality, so it's less likely to rip at the seams if anything were to happen.

Just a heads up. If you guys want cheap selvedge denim, Urban Outfitters sells good quality 14.5oz raw selvedge jeans for $80 plus shipping
I agree with TomC when he says that selvedge is overrated a lot of the time. But then again, so many companies entered the game with a selvedge or raw just so they could get a share of the market. I refuse to pay 200+ for raw denim that isn't selvedge.

Regder, Naked & famous is another decent-priced entry level denim (+ it's a Canadian brand). I still can't believe that I got a left-hand twill from them for 140...

People spend 100 on shoes that look worse every time you wear them (unless it's a good pair of leather). Good jeans look better every time you wear them because they start to break in.

Also, fashion here is a lot different than fashion in Korea. I would never wear anything like the guys' uglybros, but I wouldn't say that they look bad. They're all about the pockets & ridges over there.
Too bad they are 300 bux. Too bad they probably don't have all the protection they could. Maybe some of these comments would be helpful to to team at uglybros to make them more

I liked the idea of pockets to slide the armour into. I liked the way they had accounted for movement in areas that can be stiff. I liked how they accounted for the dreaded "butt crack" jean peep hole that shows when you're crouched over.

Good post,

If I could suggest looking (again) at Velocity, Draggin' Jeans, and even Icon Jeans for -IMO- more practical riding jeans that offer the same thing these UglyBros one's do, but with more of a focus on cost effectiveness and practicality. If you visit an online retailer like Revzilla, you'll find even more manufacturers; most that offer Kevlar (which is what you want for slide-on-asphalt protection) in all of their jeans.

Ultimately, it's your money so, do it up y0.
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