U.S. Address Services for mail order….


Well-known member
Curious what everyone is using…I was a big fan of CBI, but their current hours are terrible due to difficulty finding staff.

Has anyone used needausaddress.com and shipped to UPS? Thoughts?
I used shippsy before. No issues. Picked up in mississauga. No idea what their current hours are like.
I used shippsy before. No issues. Picked up in mississauga. No idea what their current hours are like.
I’ve never heard of them, but this looks even more convenient because I wouldn’t need to drive over and pick up in the US.

Does Shippsy charge brokerage fees? Couldn’t find anything on their website.
I’ve never heard of them, but this looks even more convenient because I wouldn’t need to drive over and pick up in the US.

Does Shippsy charge brokerage fees? Couldn’t find anything on their website.
They charged me what they listed on their website. In the end they charged me $7 plus passed through the charges the gov't wanted at the border(in my case tax but no duty). The one small hiccup was as I was buying plumbing parts with no clean category, IIRC they wanted a pre-authorization for a crazy number (max duty that could be possible for items of that value which is something like item value times five). When it came time to pay invoice I got charged 13% + $7 as expected. I could be mixing things up in my head and this occurred with a different shipper though. The important point is shippsy didn't screw me.
I’d have to be ordering a lot of stuff for this to make sense to me . Even UPS which has historically been a scoundrel billed me just $33 cdn frt and brokerage for a $249 tool. If my frt and clearance is under $100 bucks I can’t take the time to go to Buffalo or even Mississauga and make sense .

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I’d have to be ordering a lot of stuff for this to make sense to me . Even UPS which has historically been a scoundrel billed me just $33 cdn frt and brokerage for a $249 tool. If my frt and clearance is under $100 bucks I can’t take the time to go to Buffalo or even Mississauga and make sense .

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
In my case, it looked like supply agreements prohibited US sellers from shipping to Canada. Canadian sellers wanted 3x the money for the same parts.

or Cross Border Pickups
Last one I used was Cross Border Pickups. Simple enough to use, happy with their service. Of course the math has to work out, but the math is simple too
This is a case of an item (not motorcycle related) not being available in Canada….not a matter of trying to save a few bucks.

Given the value, I think I’m going to go with an address only option. This will limit the number of unknown people handling it. I’ll just go and pick it up and make a day of it.

Will definitely be using Shippsy in the future, though….seems very convenient!
I was using CBI since forever, but couldn't deal with their restricted hours, so I tried AmericanMailbox.net. Not bad for $2.50 per package and a few blocks from the Rainbow Bridge, across from the Seneca Casino. Appears to be a 1-man operation, with much smaller customer area, but I did get my package no problems.

Shippsy just opened depots in Vaughan and Pickering. That makes things more convenient for many of us.

I didn't realize it but they also had Markham, London, North York and Kitchener already. I only knew about Mississauga.
Depending on what you are looking for, check amazon.com (as opposed to amazon.ca)

My dad needed a new motor/board for his furnace. Repair guy couldn't get it. Canadian Wholesalers couldn't order it. American vendors wouldn't ship to Canada.

I found a replacement on the US amazon and they shipped right to my local post office for me to pay $67 duty ($580 part) I've also cross shopped an air filter between amazon.ca/.com and still saved $3 buying from US after paying exchange, shipping and duty.
Gonna link this thread here, since I have reservations about recommending CBP anymore:

The CBP customer service is crap. In case you need it there is no live person to talk to on the phone.
You can only communicate through email or chat with limited hours.
Their online portal is hard to navigate.

For one time use, I would probably use them (as I have in the past) as their pickup location is convenient for me .
If I had to use them often, I would probably find a better service.
Also, a heads up on USADDRESSINC. U.S.Address
They are only a postal mail box service in NY just over the Lewiston Bridge.

I used this service often back when the $ was good, 20 years ago and there wasn't really any other service like this.

I needed to use them recently and experienced horrible service. Without getting into details of my situation with them, but the short version is that my pickup wasn't really within their policy.

However, the issue I had was the attitude I got from the lady that worked there. And it wasn't only towards me. While I waited in the parking lot for 30-45 min, anyone else that came without an appointment was given the same nasty speech on how they are appoitment only etc etc. But in the end serving the customer and giving them their package.

Again, there is no phone number to call and get a live person, email only. Their hours are crap and the lady working the counter was super nasty. The young gentleman was actually nice and trying to be helpful.

For sure won't be using them again.
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