The reality:
If you are endangered by another motorist and report it to the police it is unlikely that anything will come of it.
1) Usually a he said / she said situation
2) No contact, no foul
3) Little chance of conviction so poor use of police resources
4) It is a traffic offence, not criminal so no lingering issues for the perp to worry about.
Instant retaliation has its merits.
1) The punishment is instant and is related to the action without time for the perp to rationalize their actions.
Why retaliation doesn't usually work.
1) The person is usually too stupid to realize that they were in the wrong.
2) Many people can instantly rationalize that their need to get to Walmart is more important than another's right to live.
3) The one retaliating puts themselves at physical risk. Cage vs bike. Concealed weapon.
4) Retaliation brings criminal charges that stick for life.
5) Retaliation increases the tension between riders and cagers in general. "I'll get him before he gets me."
The bottom line is that the world is full of self centred a-holes. Joining their club only makes it worse.
Learning to ride a bike is more than balance, throttle, clutch and brakes. It also includes developing the ability to assess, handle and accept risks.
End of sermon. Today's hymn will be number 143 in your hymnal.