1) I was checking out some 12V heated gear that has a a fused pigtail with ring terminals (only). We tried to test it by connecting the terminals to my car battery. The gear didn't turn on. Seller thought the problem was using a car battery and not a bike battery; I assumed 12V is 12V. Should I be able to power such gear from a car battery?
2) I have a Noco GB70 boost pack. Can one power 12V gear with ring terminals by clamping the clamps directly onto the terminals for the gear? This would just be to test... not for more than a few minutes, and care would be taken to make sure the terminals don't short out.
thanks !
2) I have a Noco GB70 boost pack. Can one power 12V gear with ring terminals by clamping the clamps directly onto the terminals for the gear? This would just be to test... not for more than a few minutes, and care would be taken to make sure the terminals don't short out.
thanks !