TV shows currently watching

This was okay
Sad of course...I'm sure a couple of police officers were/are forever second guessing themselves.
It's only 3 episodes and well edited from existing footage and post event interviews. I like that sort of stuff...much like the Jon Benet docu tho at least this one has closure for the family.
On to F1 !!!!! :love:
Watched Dune Prophecy... was meh, don't think it really did anything in terms of expanding or explaining what the Dune universe is about.

Checking out Paradise episode in WTF?? this could be good (y)
Watching 'White Lotus' S1 with my's good fun. We weren't sure what to watch and she saw a recommendation somewhere...very enjoyable watch.
Watching 'White Lotus' S1 with my's good fun. We weren't sure what to watch and she saw a recommendation somewhere...very enjoyable watch.
It's fantastic. We enjoyed Season 2 even more, I think. Have heard similarly good things about Season 3, though we cancelled our Crave subscription, so haven't checked it out yet. We're due to make some changes to our subscriptions as it's impossible to watch them all, so we chop and change and catch up on what we missed...
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