TV shows currently watching

Finished up Ozark....very good, that ending.. hmmm. Marty better grow some balls.

Now into Iron First S2... oh Danny you wet noddle child.
Finished up Iron Fist S2. It was ok, better then Luke Cage S2. Hopefully Daredevil's next season doesn't lag like these two, which will be out this month.
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The trailer for daredevil season 3 dropped yesterday. It looks to be the best season yet.
Finished up Iron Fist S2. It was ok, better then Luke Cage S2. Hopefully Daredevil's next season doesn't lag like these two, which will be out this month.
Finished up Colony S3. It was good, not quite an ending for the series but I know it got cancelled so I guess it was.
Just finished binging "The Outpost." Very much enjoyed the story but it's another fantasy show that makes me wonder why anyone bothers to wear armour in that world if it slows you down, but a sword will go right through it.

It's produced by Arrowstorm Entertainment, who are a member of the recently formed Fantasy Network.
Binged the rest of the season of Better Call Saul. The season ended this week. Great tv. I'm not enamoured with some parts of character development so I don't think this season overall is as as good as last year though.

I realized The Shop is on HBO Canada. This is LeBron's barbershop concept show. First episode had impressive guests like Snoop Dogg, Jon Stewart, Draymond Green, Michael Bennet and OBJ. Plus others. I thought it was great. Here's a review
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Falling down the YouTube rabbit hole one night I came across a YouTube series called Impulse. Troubled teenaged girl finds out she has teleportation powers. Filmed in Niagara, haldimand county and Hamilton. Did recognize some Canadian actors and was fun watching for locations where I ride to. By the middle of the season there was a definite 80's after school special feel to it with just enough sex, drug and coarse language to keep me coming back to finish the season.
Falling down the YouTube rabbit hole one night I came across a YouTube series called Impulse. Troubled teenaged girl finds out she has teleportation powers. Filmed in Niagara, haldimand county and Hamilton. Did recognize some Canadian actors and was fun watching for locations where I ride to. By the middle of the season there was a definite 80's after school special feel to it with just enough sex, drug and coarse language to keep me coming back to finish the season.

There's tons of good stuff on Youtube, Vimeo, and various private sites. A while back I started a thread to share that sort of thing.
Finished up Better Call Saul S4. As mentioned not the strongest season. Kinda dragged. But I guess we can see what it happening next as he gets closer to being the character in Breaking Bad. Kinda glad they wrapped up the ongoing stuff between him and his brother.
AMC's Fear Fest is on now on again up to Halloween with tons of movies that don't get much play otherwise. Return of the Living Dead, Army of Darkness and The Crazies were on today (great recommended cult films, plus Day of the Dead and Ghost Ship, etc). Much more coming. Eli Roth's History of Horror is another new show detailing the genre on AMC.
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Enjoying some network TV. But, man it sucks waiting week to

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Shameless ( excellent ) Ozark fantastic, westword, handmaids tale All excellent shows ... Breaking bad , Sons of anarchy were two of my favs at the time ...
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