TV shows currently watching

Been watching a lot of Covid Affairs. Prime kept on recommending it to me and I finally gave in.

Great show! Didn't win any awards, acting is mixed, some story lines just disappear. Outside of that, it's decently well written, not too serious without being dumb. Good show to shut off your brain and enjoy.
I've been watching Friends, again. Growing up in the 90s it brought back some funny memories.

I had almost forgotten how hot Jennifer Aniston was back then, and how cold the producers kept the set during filming.
Dead to Me - Finished season 1 and it was entertaining.

The Last Dance - 4 episodes in and enjoying it. Not a huge BB fan but I grew up during the Bulls era and there's lots to learn in this doc.
The Wire, for the fifth time I think. sigh...

Third time for me. Finished it last week and I'm still mourning the show. Trying to move on to something else but my brain still wants more The Wire.

What a masterpiece. No cheap twists/gimmicks, no alternate timelines, no flashbacks or flashforwards, just good ol' linear storytelling.

Still the best show I've ever seen.
A man's gotta have a code yo!

Wire crew represent. I think it's one of the show that tries it's best to humanize every character rather than make everyone single dimensional caricature. Not for nothing, the course is taught in Harvard and Duke.
The Expanse on Prime is good. Feels like Game of Thrones in space. 4 seasons out that i binged in a week.
Formula 1: Drive to survive on netflix is great. too bad they won't have any content for this year.
Wish someone would do a similar show for motorcycle racing either motogp or even wsbk would be great.
The Expanse on Prime is good. Feels like Game of Thrones in space. 4 seasons out that i binged in a week.
Formula 1: Drive to survive on netflix is great. too bad they won't have any content for this year.
Wish someone would do a similar show for motorcycle racing either motogp or even wsbk would be great.
Yeap, another kudos for the F1 docu series. Loved the first season and having Ferrari and MB in the second made it that much better. I heard through the grapevine that the producers reached out to Dorna and Nascar. I mean they have the platform and the pedigree so should be easily reproducible. Hope it happens.
Just discovered Homecoming, not sure if it was mentioned here, another Sam Esmail project. Story is unfolding nicely.
Devs! Whoa, thanks whom recommended it. I think Alex Garland has a bit of Stanley Kubrick influences. It's nice to see some interesting and stylistic content.
Thx! I'm always looking for new content and thought it looked appealing. I posted it early (pre-release). Our TV/movie feedback overlaps and that's definitely helpful.

I binged Cardinal S4 (only 6 episodes) and it was very good again. This season the story arc is very sombre. The great Canadiana outdoors featured prominently in the series is really appealing. And that's it, Cardinal has wrapped up. Lots of accolades over the years.

I also binged The Expanse S4 and it was excellent. Been with this one from the start and its previous seasons were some of the best TV I've ever seen. The plot hasn't advanced very far, but it brings in unanticipated angles. Wes Chatham is in serious shape in S4. Love the show themes and characters. Great sci-fi. 100% on RT (critics).
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Watched 3 episodes of "Devils" so far...
Top notch acting and storyline.
About an Italian banker, working for a UK/USA bank and shady crap that goes with it.
Excellent watch.
Watched 3 episodes of "Devils" so far...
Top notch acting and storyline.
About an Italian banker, working for a UK/USA bank and shady crap that goes with it.
Excellent watch.
caught the 1st episode last night.

Patrick Dempsey!

it's good.
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