TV shows currently watching

The last season of Vikings is fast coming to an end.

I've binged the first six episodes of The Outsider and really like it so far; classic supernatural Stephen King.

I'm collecting S3 of The Sinner and S5 of The Magicians atm.

Just finished reading The Outsider novel. I couldn’t put it down. And I’ve read a lot of King’s books.
Up to episode 5 of the show and it’s pretty true to the book so far.

The Sinner is also good. Bill Pullman at his best.

Currently watching Outlander with my wife. Started off slow and my eyes rolled....but S1 is getting better each episode and I’m rather enjoying it.
Started up Mr. Robot on Amazon Prime with no expectations....really enjoying it and binging the season right now.
It's much better then Outlander :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: (had the same reach you did, couldn't continue though.)
Outlander is ok but it’s a watch with my wife. Mr. Robot is for me. Plus I’m back on site so I can see she’s watching without me lol
Going back to Babylon 5
I bought the boxed set a couple of years ago and rewatched everything, including the movies. While the special effects don't hold up to today's, the stories sure do.
I picked up the box set a few years ago too. I haven't watched it yet, but it will be great when I get to it. I remember finding Babylon 5 easily one of the best shows ever for the overall package of short and long term story arcs. Some plot developments are literally years in the making. And many of the show themes still resonate.
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Treadstone on Amazon Prime video was pretty good. It’s based on the Jason Bourne books and the program of the same name. Lots of action. Decent storyline. Worth a binge.
Watched all available episodes of "Avenue 5" over the past few days... show has an interesting premise, but it's just too goofy over all.
Hugh Laurie does a great job on his multiple accents, but that's about the high point of the show.
Started watching The Widow on Prime (mostly because of my future wife Kate Beckinsale). Pretty good so far.
anyone else not like watching shows on tv and prefer to watch them alone in privacy on their computers instead?
About to binge the second season of Altered Carbon tonight.

I'm 6 episodes in so far and find it every bit as good as, if not better than, the first season. I think that having Reboot Robocop as the protagonist might have put me off season 1 a bit.
I picked up the box set a few years ago too. I haven't watched it yet, but it will be great when I get to it. I remember finding Babylon 5 easily one of the best shows ever for the overall package of short and long term story arcs. Some plot developments are literally years in the making. And many of the show themes still resonate.

I still find all of the themes compelling, even this much later.

When you realize that the 5 year arc had to take a huge left turn, because of the main actor's mental health problems, it seems even more amazing that they pulled those subplots off. An indie filmmaker friend of mine has been writing several different web series, movies, and books since he graduated from university, back in the '90s, and as he puts it "Everything is connected." Now after 20 years, he's getting to see everything start to come together and it hasn't been easy.
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