TV shows currently watching

Kid's started watching Kim's convenience on Netflix, and it seems good from what I've seen so far.
The Expanse keeps on getting better and better. Season 3 is fantastic so far. I haven't even bothered with season 2 of Westworld yet.

Westworld - 2 episodes into season 2 and Thandie's boobs have yet to make an appearance......
Killing Eve is a good show. About a group tasked with finding a female assassin. Some good humour, good storyline and decent acting in it.
The Expanse keeps on getting better and better. Season 3 is fantastic so far.

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Honestly, networks can be dumb beyond words. Hopefully Netflix or similar saves this one, along with Lucifer. Apparently Brooklyn 99 has already been picked up by NBC, so maybe there is hope yet.
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Honestly, networks can be dumb beyond words. Hopefully Netflix or similar saves this one, along with Lucifer. Apparently Brooklyn 99 has already been picked up by NBC, so maybe there is hope yet.
Nooooo!! What are these clowns smoking? This is one the best shows ever. TBH, I'm enjoying it more than season 2 of Westworld. So sad ...
Nooooo!! What are these clowns smoking? This is one the best shows ever. TBH, I'm enjoying it more than season 2 of Westworld. So sad ...

I'm pretty sure someone (likely Netflix) will save The Expanse, and they have said they are actively searching for other networks to run the show. Lucifer might not get as lucky, but maybe there is still hope, plus I read something about DC launching their own streaming service soon. Honestly it's too bad these shows all can't bankroll themselves somehow, and then shop around for networks the same way we can with insurance. if Fox or Syfi want to be idiots, then just pick up and take their business elsewhere for that year.

As for Westworld, I still like it, but so far it hasn't held a candle to what Season 1 was/delivered. I have hope it will improve, but it seems much more generic and the characters not as 3 dimensional as last. Could also be due to the lack of Anthony Hopkins as I am really missing him this season too.
I'm pretty sure someone (likely Netflix) will save The Expanse, and they have said they are actively searching for other networks to run the show. Lucifer might not get as lucky, but maybe there is still hope, plus I read something about DC launching their own streaming service soon. Honestly it's too bad these shows all can't bankroll themselves somehow, and then shop around for networks the same way we can with insurance. if Fox or Syfi want to be idiots, then just pick up and take their business elsewhere for that year.

As for Westworld, I still like it, but so far it hasn't held a candle to what Season 1 was/delivered. I have hope it will improve, but it seems much more generic and the characters not as 3 dimensional as last. Could also be due to the lack of Anthony Hopkins as I am really missing him this season too.
Really hoping someone picks it up. There was another show called The River, from 2012. Also got cancelled. There were rumors someone will pick it up, but no one did. Same with Constantine. Hoping Netflix steps up.

Yeah, I feel the same way about season 2 of Westworld. Missing Hopkins too! At least Bernard is still there.
You might not want to read the recent news then...

Honestly, networks can be dumb beyond words. Hopefully Netflix or similar saves this one, along with Lucifer. Apparently Brooklyn 99 has already been picked up by NBC, so maybe there is hope yet.

I saw that news as well. I haven't gotten around to season 3 of expanse yet, but the problem with it apparently is the lack of re-run options etc, and the show is expensive to make. Hopefully it will find a new home. Liked what I have seen so far.
"The Glitch" on Netflix.
3 episodes in. Interesting premise.
I tried watching the Handmaid's Tale and couldn't get into it. I liked the premise of the show but the main characters just didn't speak to me so I gave up on it.

Watched the entire 1st season of Cobra Kai, great show. :)
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