I finished watching all the Hell on Wheels episodes last night, it was decent.
Is that where it ends or are there plans for another season?
Is that where it ends or are there plans for another season?
I think it's still possible to have a show with good characters and still have a tightly developed plot where at the end of the series, the audience nods their head at all the resolved plot points instead of shaking their heads and remarking, "They had no idea where they were going with this show at all."
Lost crammed as many bizarre and mysterious elements into each season as possible, for the sole purose of hooking viewers in. They only picked a handful of those mysteries to create an ending for the show, leaving behind tons of contradictions and unexplainable behavior from the characters as a result. I think that's why a lot of viewers felt cheated.
But still great character development and good job from all the actors. I enjoyed most of the show except for the last few episodes.
Battlestar Galactica was the same as well. Great show, great characters, terrible ending.
I tried to get into BSG... Loved the premier tv-movie episodes.. but eventually it just becomes a guessing game of who is a cylon. I don't know.. maybe I'm bitter because I played the boardgame before watching the show. Amazing game btw. I hear they started a spinoff series from BSG as well.
as far as troll finales go, nothing tops sopranos.
Barely made it through 2 episodes of Revolution. It's just plain BAAAAD. Good concept wasted.He's also butchering Revolution as we speak.
Barely made it through 2 episodes of Revolution. It's just plain BAAAAD. Good concept wasted.
Barely made it through 2 episodes of Revolution. It's just plain BAAAAD. Good concept wasted.
I can't stand this stupid show, but I can't stop watching it. My wife and I just laugh at the bull that goes on throughout it. I know it's make believe, but is it show hard to make it believable? Perfectly manicured and clean people in a world with no electricity? And why are people trying to get the "United States" back, it's as if they think it was good to begin with, haha.
. Wouldn't say I'm a fan so much a spectator.
And I thought walking dead was funny for having cut grass everywhere they went.Yep - clean perfect condition clothes, and now helicopters that fly simply because the electrics work - let's ignore the 15 year old avgas in their tanks.
MISFITS (if you like british, this show ****ing rocks. Very LOL and dirty humour)
imo They should have stopped at the end of season 4. I see what they're doing with season 5 but it's just pissing me off at this point. Then again a lot of the show has ****** me off(Skyler) along the way so maybe that's why I still watch.
I dont mind 5. Its better than i thought it would be.
I dont blame Skyler after all her husband is really starting to enjoy the drug business.
I'm upset about Walt, the person he has become & all the killing he has done. To me he has gone from good guy to bad
Sent from my phone using my paws
I agree. There were so many loose ends to tie up after season 4. I mean, haven't we all been waiting for that magic moment when Hank figures it out?
And I think Skyler has been more of a trooper than I would've expected. With all the crazy **** that's been going on, I'm surprised she hasnt gone to the cops a long time ago (reputations be damned).
Dont get me wrong, I understand why Skyler is the way she is. She is just REALLY annoying.