TV shows currently watching

Counterpart was fantastic. New shows to check out - Trust (JP Getty's story, apparently better than the big screen), The Terror(horror, but great reviews), Deception (prodecural), Krypton (ok reviews).

Westworld season 2 in 20 days!! Can't wait!
Handmaid's tale season 2 in 23 days
Lost in space (netflix) in 11 days
The Expanse season 3 in 9 days
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Starting to get bored of TWD. C'mon already and get stuff going. It seems to be dragging out the last little while. Anyone watch Fear the Walking Dead? S4 will be kicking off soon.

It's been dragging out for 2 years I believe. Here we are again a new settlement, a new human villain, must stand and fight... repeat.
Don't get me wrong it is entertaining... but the overall story arc has stagnated, where is it all going? 8 Years should be at least close to something.
It's been dragging out for 2 years I believe. Here we are again a new settlement, a new human villain, must stand and fight... repeat.
Don't get me wrong it is entertaining... but the overall story arc has stagnated, where is it all going? 8 Years should be at least close to something.

Yup, TWD is incredibly repetitive. I can't believe I'm still watching it.

Watched the 1st episode of Deception today, it's ok. Looking forward to watching The Terror.
I still don't mind TWD. There's the promise of some interesting developments coming up.

That's how I feel at the end of every season, but the same script repeats with a new antagonist every one or two seasons. I still watch it though.

I got bored of FTWD really quick though. I don't think I even made it past season 2.
Ya Fear The Walking Dead was real slow at the start, but it filled in a nice gap between shows for me. It actually got much better though.

Sent from the moon!
just started watching the new star trek series, looks pretty good actually(surprised they can put lens flare AND good acting in the same show)

If you liked Fringe, you'll like this show. Stars JK Simmons.
Finished up The Walking Dead season 8....
Hmmm I thought they might get back to the main plot story. Ya know with what was shown at the garbage lady place, and well the other lady requesting records....instead we are lead to believe more of the same human conflict. But this time it's between...
I am being vague to not spoil it for others, for now.
Finished up The Walking Dead season 8....
Hmmm I thought they might get back to the main plot story. Ya know with what was shown at the garbage lady place, and well the other lady requesting records....instead we are lead to believe more of the same human conflict. But this time it's between...
I am being vague to not spoil it for others, for now.

They are setting up to follow the graphic novel a bit more. What you mentioned should be a big part of what happens next. In the graphic novel they bump into a bunch of people way worse than the saviours ever were and need Negan's help.
They are setting up to follow the graphic novel a bit more. What you mentioned should be a big part of what happens next. In the graphic novel they bump into a bunch of people way worse than the saviours ever were and need Negan's help.
Never read the novels. Do they ever end?
Ya Fear The Walking Dead was real slow at the start, but it filled in a nice gap between shows for me. It actually got much better though.

I just couldn't get into it. Four shows in and people that stupid wouldn't have survived. Junkie kid would have been the first I tossed out the airlock.
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