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Watched S2 Ep4 of Reacher and think it was filmed outside Master Steak in Sauga.
Was our late night go to. Apparently fair number of Ontario locations used for Reacher.
Watched S2 Ep4 of Reacher and think it was filmed outside Master Steak in Sauga.
Was our late night go to. Apparently fair number of Ontario locations used for Reacher.
I was wondering about that. It looks a lot different from when I worked on Shawson, back in the '80s, just around the corner from it.
Yeah quite updated....been a while since the kid :cry: and I pulled for a late night marginal but cheap steak.
Looks about the same inside tho - prices seem "okay".
1703309314836.png sure understand why Aussies hate the poms and why The Turks and Aussies remember the battle every year. People are out at dawn.
It's a decent experience to go see the Anzac ceremony in Toronto.
It's a very big day for Australians at home or abroad.
Screen Shot 2023-12-23 at Dec, 23    2023    8.40.55 PM.jpg

Very well done series...time to read the book.
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The family is together for the holidays, watching Reacher during downtime. I gotta say, this show is not for me. Like is the ultra dumb writing part of the appeal? Maybe it's a matter of going into it with the wrong expectations
The family is together for the holidays, watching Reacher during downtime. I gotta say, this show is not for me. Like is the ultra dumb writing part of the appeal? Maybe it's a matter of going into it with the wrong expectations
You’re doing it wrong. Brain needs to turn off. Quite good once you do that.

Happy to see that S14 of Archer is out. Enjoying it so far after 4 episodes.
Well I was skeptical of The Crown but IMNSHO they did a good job with the final.
This is fair.
Thunder was rumbling on the range hills the whole episode which was a fitting atmosphere.

Now for something lighter...... :rolleyes: Hacksaw Ridge
Well I was skeptical of The Crown but IMNSHO they did a good job with the final.
This is fair.
Thunder was rumbling on the range hills the whole episode which was a fitting atmosphere.

Now for something lighter...... :rolleyes: Hacksaw Ridge
Who lays out your sargeant's clothes in the morning? Is that the one?
Been watching S2 of Invasion. It was better then S1, but not by much, it's still kinda weird.
I'm rewatching the original Doctor Who shows, from the '60s, on Tubi. It seems that some episodes are lost, but they've managed to recover most of them.

There was a deal on a flight on the Concorde and as a active yuppie it was a bday present....incredibly was only $850 for half way across the Atlantic.
Very memorable.
I got quite drunk on the free booze.
....crazy acceleration on take off and the low pressure fog over the wing on rotation
Seeing the speed hit 2200 kph :eek:
Looking out the tiny windows and just able to see the curvature of the earth.

Learned a fair bit about the aircraft. On Prime - could not find the trailer
Tried Bodies on recco but did not take ...might go back.

I really enjoyed this one on Netflix (which I don't often say these days). It ticks a bunch of my boxes, being based on a graphic novel and involving time travel and light sci-fi, so I'm probably the sweet-spot demo for them. It's definitely a fun path they lead you down, revealing events in each period episode-by-episode just quickly enough that it doesn't feel cheap. As with anything involving time travel, you can't think too hard about it or the plot holes will start to get big, but it manages to move fast enough towards then end that it worked for me. The acting is also mostly excellent, even when some of the historical stuff threatens to veer into period cliches. It didn't quite stick the landing, for me, but did well enough that it felt satisfying and complete. Definitely worth checking out, especially at a brisk 8 episodes.

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