TV shows currently watching

Starts watching “Devil in Ohio” on Netflix. Zooey Deschanel’s older sister is the lead. It’s kind of Hallmark-esque but not bad after 2 eps.

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After 12 seasons on "Bones" I would have thought that Emily Deschanel deserved better than "Zooey's sister":ROFLMAO:
Salvation .....not sure what to think beyond "ambitious" ....soapy sci-fi on a grand scale.
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watching bosch, its not the wire, but a moderately entertaining Hollywood cop drama is good way to pass the time
And the show is excellent so far at least.
It seems it will focus on Galadriel, Elrond and Gandalf(?) as the main characters. And maybe Durin.
Agreed. Watched the first episode last night and had to fight the urge to bail for the first 30min and as it came to a close I was already looking forward to ep2.
Agreed. Watched the first episode last night and had to fight the urge to bail for the first 30min and as it came to a close I was already looking forward to ep2.
I'm still on the fence about it and have to keep reminding myself that they don't have the rights to the book that actually covers this timeframe of Middle Earth history. I will keep watching, however.
I'm still on the fence about it and have to keep reminding myself that they don't have the rights to the book that actually covers this timeframe of Middle Earth history. I will keep watching, however.

Are you referring to The Silmarillion, Rob?
For the most part, but there are a lot of other published sources too.
Did Jeff Besos buy up the unpublished notes from Token..
I'll watch when I can binge the whole season. I have no attachement to LoTR to allow it to interfere with my enjoyment, unlike some people who are review bombing the series.
Did Jeff Besos buy up the unpublished notes from Token..
I'll watch when I can binge the whole season. I have no attachement to LoTR to allow it to interfere with my enjoyment, unlike some people who are review bombing the series.
As far as I know Amazon only has access to Lord of the Rings and the appendices from that book, which does give them some of the story from The Silmarillion. Nothing else. That's why some people are freaking out over it. Others are just the usual "it's too woke" idiots, who likely haven't even watched the thing.
"The Imperfects" on Netflix - Kind of "The New Mutants" on a budget. Child research subjects, when they hit adulthood, start developing "side effects." Three episodes in and I'm enjoying it.
As far as I know Amazon only has access to Lord of the Rings and the appendices from that book, which does give them some of the story from The Silmarillion. Nothing else. That's why some people are freaking out over it. Others are just the usual "it's too woke" idiots, who likely haven't even watched the thing.
its funny watching the nerds freak out

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"Motherland: Fort Salem" - Three seasons now, on Disney+. It takes place in a modern but re-imagined United States. the premise is that during the Salem Witch Trials rather than being burnt at the stake, Sarah Alder and the other witches of Salem made a pact to defend The Colonies, and later the United States, as their "army." the country is split down the middle by an area called "The Cession", along what appears to be the course of the Mississippi River, and is controlled by seven Indigenous Bands who formed a council. it's pretty much YA fare, but I've enjoyed it. They've done some pretty deep world building. Just finished watching S3E6.

*EDIT* - I should also mention that one of the stars of the show is Taylor Hickson. Some of you may remember that this Canadian actress received a horrible facial injury during the filming of an indie horror project called "Ghostland", in Winnipeg, when a plate glass window shattered. The director kept shouting at her to hit it harder and eventually the window couldn't take any more.
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