TV shows currently watching

Finish Manifest S3 - last 2 episodes, finally some good story movement, interesting twists.

Apparently the series has been cancelled by Netflix, doesn't seem we have closure in S3, maybe some will pick it up and finish it off.
Not sure why they made a series on him. I've never met anyone that liked the character and wanted to see more...

Something like Picard will do well as the character is loved by a huge fan base but loki?...
That's quite a surprise, because he's an insanely popular character. He got a series because people actually asked for it and it got great ratings.
I really liked Loki. I'm not deep into the comic characters so treat it as a standalone entity. The 60's retro-future aesthetic is really cool too.
I liked line of duty, good show, and im looking for more recommends, I know im asking a lot, but maybe something on the same level as the wire, or breaking bad(seen better call saul)

Watching Corner Gas again.
Think I'm turning into Oscar.
That's quite a surprise, because he's an insanely popular character. He got a series because people actually asked for it and it got great ratings.
Loki is a good interesting enough character, but for a God of Mischief, there wasn't any of that in the show.
It's well produced, slick looking, and the whole retro corp ashetic is pleasing, but it was just a bland show and nothing more discover more about Loki. How it has high rating is beyond me.
Loki is a good interesting enough character, but for a God of Mischief, there wasn't any of that in the show.
It's well produced, slick looking, and the whole retro corp ashetic is pleasing, but it was just a bland show and nothing more discover more about Loki. How it has high rating is beyond me.
Sorry to hear that you didn't like all the nuances to the show.
The effects were full on Avengers movie calibre - no other show comes even close in this aspect.
Loki meeting a whack of different versions of himself, falling into a narcissistic love with one, meeting an alligator version, another where he's arguably an African Thor...

He's desperate to take over control of the timeline in all of it's universes. You can see how he's trying to accomplish that without appearing to be an "Uber-Dick."

There's a ton of subtlety in the show if you care to look for it -- most is hidden behind the "beat you over the head" action scenes and story line, but it's there.
Penguin Town on Netflix. Just good ole fun easy watching doc. 100% on RT as well.

Realized today that Justified is back on Prime so I binged the final few episodes to finish out S4.
Dark Side of the Ring - good recommendation thanks! (y)

I am not a huge wrestling fan, knowing the in's out etc, just fun entertainment as a kid in the 80's. Though I happen to be at the Montreal Screwjob match where the drama with Brett Hart went down, my friend always said that was a moment in wrestling.

Starting S2 next.
anyone seen the expanse? whats the verdict?
anyone seen the expanse? whats the verdict?
My interest dropped off in season 2 I think. My buddy has been giving me a real hard time, said it got better. It did start off good…
anyone seen the expanse? whats the verdict?
Very good, overall. If you're a science nerd then having ships actually moving by vectored thrust, rather than flying like planes in space, is a big plus. Some scenes take advantage of the idea that there's no "up" in space and the way that space travel is dealt with, in general, makes it very good from a technical/visual aspect.

The story is also good, so it's not just interesting window dressing.
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