TV shows currently watching

Finished s4 of Mr. Robot -- the last 2 episodes and ending just got weird - didn't like it.
Well finished up 2 seasons of Manifest, it was ok, a little melodramatic at times, and that dad/brother character needs a punch in the face.

Now onto The Crown, this suddenly appeared on my radar so gonna check it out.

Are you starting from the beginning or the new season (4)?

I just finished season 4.

A bit late to the party, but just started watching Westworld on Crave. It’s a very interesting concept. Will try a few more episodes before I pass judgement.

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A bit late to the party, but just started watching Westworld on Crave. It’s a very interesting concept. Will try a few more episodes before I pass judgement.

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its great.

i'm still only 1 episode into s2.
Are you starting from the beginning or the new season (4)?

I just finished season 4.

Yes from S1, never knew about it until I caught some buzz about S4. Kinda nice that I have 4 seasons to keep me busy before I need to find something else to watch.
its great.

i'm still only 1 episode into s2.

Just finished season 1 and started season 2.
The first half of season 1 was engaging - the second half I found got bogged down in a bit too much mellow drama and an increasingly convoluted story line.
Was surprised to see “Floki” from Vikings in season 2!

Will keep at it for a bit longer.

Now that it's all on Prime, I'm finally going through "Preacher." I lost track early in season 2 and didn't want to skip anything, so waited. Love it.
watching the ozarks, its kinda meh tbh, there's only so many times I can believe the drug cartel accountant keeps dodging death after repeatedly messing up
watching the ozarks, its kinda meh tbh, there's only so many times I can believe the drug cartel accountant keeps dodging death after repeatedly messing up

Really enjoyed the first season. Season 2 was okay and season 3 was meh for me.
I like Ozark...some of the story lines are far fetched
distributing heroin in bibles? please....

but it's well acted and produced
I thought S3 was terrific
but it's certainly no Breaking Bad

^exactly this
One of the reasons I liked the wire so much, they werent afraid to kill off your fav characters, because realistically, thats what happens in the drug game
I’ve been watching everything that Charley Boorman is in. The By Any Means series. They are occasionally entertaining but the last series I’m watching features the rest of the team less and more on Charley and I’ve come to a’s the relationships between people (Malkin, the camera people etc) that are the most entertaining. Charley on his own is an overprivileged, undertalented bore. This series in particular comes across more as a “ooh look I get paid to do this ****” thing more than the others. I actually like Russ Malkin a fair bit in these series, he’s a sensible foil to the headstrong (but also whiny) lead characters. In one episode I watched Russ decided that one section of the journey seemed a little pointless and opted to fly while Charley went on a 6 day boat trip for which he was seasick for 3 days. That was actually quite funny.
no vulcans aboard
Or hot Borg women

Or hot Vulcan women


What MB puppy eye's not working for's not Star Trek!!

"Black Alert! Prepare the spore drive"
*Burnham cries*
"Jump complete, Captain!"
*Tilley cries*
*Stammet cries because everyone else is crying*
*Michelle Yeoh round-house kicks the entire crew of Discovery in disgust*
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