Trudeau tour

Having a hard time understanding the difference between deficit and debt? For the record, 55.6B, thanks for backing that number. $30B+ deficit with oil north of $100 a barrel (and 2XB deficit the next year), thanks for supporting that.

Liberals turned a 30B+ deficit into a surplus under Chretien/Martin, Harper then turned that surplus into a massive deficit. Trickle down economics...
Having a hard time understanding the difference between deficit and debt? For the record, 55.6B, thanks for backing that number. $30B+ deficit with oil north of $100 a barrel (and 2XB deficit the next year), thanks for supporting that.

Liberals turned a 30B+ deficit into a surplus under Chretien/Martin, Harper then turned that surplus into a massive deficit. Trickle down economics...

Look at 71.52 in 1983-84 :D The father of our debt problem.

p.s. that was your future that was mortgaged. Harper wasn't much better.
I appreciate what the usual conbots here are doing. The great saviour Stephen Harper increased Canada's debt north of 25%, ran the single biggest deficit in the history of the country at $55.6B and ran $30B deficits with oil north of $100 a barrel. BUT BUT BUT conservatives are all about fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets and the dumb ***** need to understand that...

So the Liberals are all about progressive values, OK... The dumb ***** are idiots for supporting a party that does not support their values, sound familiar??? But I find it ironic that the conbots are calling out gay values as a touch point?? What is next, selling assets, balanced budgets and support for Veterans? will be complaining about selling assets like Hydro, of wait that is another thread...

Don't get me started about Veterans, when almost all of their problems come from the saviour Stephen Harper... BTW Canada is still failing them but a little less fail now that Harper is gone.
That's a little narrow view of things. Your numbers were plucked from a time where global economies were in a tailspin, Canada was widely regarded as the best performing, least damaged economy in the world during the 2008 - 2012 recession period. Unlike our other G7 friends, we didn't have a recession -- Canada enjoyed stable employment, we didn't have massive failure in the housing markets, we didn't lose our retirement savings plans. The deficit spending stimulated and stabilized the Canadian economy.

Also remember that Canada's fiscal performance at the date the regime's changed to Liberal has turned upside down. From a balanced budget to a raging deficit, the kind we have never seen in times of global economic growth. And it's only getting worse.
I thought oil prices were set globally, lol
It's no longer acceptable to make fun of what you don't understand. Calling Albertans "rednecks" is out. Get with the times.
Cons are the best at managing budgets and the debt
when in opposition
when given a shot at governing
they spend like drunken sailors

Libs are no better
but at least they don't pretend

and Baggsy
is Heritage Proud acceptable?
Cons are the best at managing budgets and the debt when in opposition when given a shot at governing they spend like drunken sailors Libs are no better but at least they don't pretend and Baggsy is Heritage Proud acceptable?
That's the cool thing about arguing with you. I have absolutely no idea where you pull some of this stuff from, and sometimes have no idea what you're talking about. The only issue is, that I prefer facts over feelings. Never heard of the heritage thing. The ideal of not making fun of people is a noble one, but it needs to be applied to and for everyone equally, not selectively to a few chosen ones.
And to clarify Heritage Proud

means you think it's good

That the family tree

Is dead verticle
And to clarify Heritage Proud

means you think it's good

That the family tree

Is dead verticle

Kinda like the family tree in Dunnville is a spider web.
Kinda like the family tree in Dunnville is a spider web.
Oh yeah?

All originate from one DNA pairing?
not too familiar with that area

the Ottawa Valley has some good old boys too
straight line thinkers
not big on ideas
and you have to be careful with sarcasm
some are too easily offended

some of them old Valley Boys
can easily out-redneck an Albertan too
I see marginalization of one group & promotion of another. I am only for equality.
It's no longer acceptable to make fun of what you don't understand. Calling Albertans "rednecks" is out. Get with the times.
I don't think it's "out" yet. Remember:

  • Alberta's major cultural event is a rodeo.
  • Business attire includes cowboy accessories.
  • The word Fu*& is a verb, adverb, noun, pronoun, interjection and adjective that's often used several times in the same sentence.
  • Yell "Trudeau" and firearms are still drawn.
  • Trailer hitch testicles and block heaters are still standard equipment on new trucks.
  • Climate change is still believed by many to be plot used by easterners to kick Alberta's economy around like a soccer ball.
  • Deliverance is still a top 10 VHS rental.

Albertans in our preconceived notions are pessimistic, traditional and staunchly Conservative. The good new is there are signs of change:
  • Elected their 1st Social-Democratic govt (2015)
  • Eliminated LBGT as a mental disorder from provincial medical system (2012)
  • First Muslim mayor in a major North American city (Calgary 2010)

The Redneck stereotypes may disappear with time - Alberta hasn't earned that quite yet.

I while back I met a girl from Cuba with her own interesting/sad story. She was here on a training. As the accounting software at the company was created in Canada. Sometime during the training her workplace got raided for tax evasion or some sort of fraud. Nothing she was part of but since she worked in that department she would have been thrown in jail. She couldn't go back to it and stayed here, and can't go back home leaving all her family connections etc.

Certainly seems like a place of contrasts, like most Latin countries.

As for the PM really surprised people didn't see this ***** coming, he's obviously a smug ba$tard just playing Canadians. Hopefully they wake up....

Its a harsh thing to say but maybe if she gets citizenship here she will be better off in the long run.

My father in law got down on his knees every day and thanked god he made it here
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