Truck Speed Limiters Ruled Unconstitutional

Ya thats super comparable...

Hmm gee. 2 degrees, 80 k in loans, 10 years of practice. at least a 70% pay cut to go and sit on the bench, and have a bunch of know it alls on the net complain that your wage is too high and you can't get it right.

tough one, let me think about that.

like someone put a gun to their heads and made them do it lol
like someone put a gun to their heads and made them do it lol

Thats why its a public service, easy for you to sit there holding your dick talking about how they aren't getting it right and how they make 100k.
Thats why its a public service, easy for you to sit there holding your dick talking about how they aren't getting it right and how they make 100k.

do you have a fascination with *****? using it as a metaphor all the time does not enlarge what you have, or lack of.
The traffic is become so bad that a real solution just seems like a dream right now.

Trucks do create a bit of an issue on the highways. Europe is good like that. The right most lane is meant for trucks and most cars stay out of it. The drivers seem so much more respectful in Europe. When I drove through Germany on the autobahn, people were nice enough to keep moving to the right as faster cars passed. And if a car was coming fast behind you, you moved over. Unlike here, where you give the guy behind you a bird instead and slow down to piss them off.
Oh and another good thing they did was if you approched a car from behind in the left lane and had your left turn indicator on the highway it tells the guy infront that you want to overtake and people move outta the way.

Yes, it's very different over there, primarily for 2 reasons.

1. Licensing is harder to pass and more expensive in Europe. In Germany, you're looking at over $2000 for getting it right the first time, heaven help you if you fail your drivers exam because the costs go up for retraining. Folks over there take it seriously compared to the non mandatory drivers ed training and cheap MTO fees here.

2. Enforcement. Police will pull you over for being in the wrong lane and fine you.
Legislate all the commercial vehicles into the right hand lane (like they've done in Europe). Problem solved.

Hope your once frozen load of chickens have green on 'em when you finally get your greasy hands on them looking forward to a chomp down.
I also hope you don't have any leaves in your back yard large enough to pick one off to wipe your *** with without getting some **** on those greasy hands when your ******* runs out.

Maybe also you can hold your breath whilst waiting for the heart machine to make the appt for your pumper when you have a bit of a conniption BP issue when you read this post. I'll not lose sleep over I sit in the right hand lane...late as ****.
Hope your once frozen load of chickens have green on 'em when you finally get your greasy hands on them looking forward to a chomp down.
I also hope you don't have any leaves in your back yard large enough to pick one off to wipe your *** with without getting some **** on those greasy hands when your ******* runs out.

Maybe also you can hold your breath whilst waiting for the heart machine to make the appt for your pumper when you have a bit of a conniption BP issue when you read this post. I'll not lose sleep over I sit in the right hand lane...late as ****.

What the hell point are you even trying to make? Here's a little tip: tone down the swearing and you'll seem a little bit more intelligible than the ermagerd mershed perderders girl.
What the hell point are you even trying to make? Here's a little tip: tone down the swearing and you'll seem a little bit more intelligible than the ermagerd mershed perderders girl.

Something about wiping your *** with heart machines? I like chicken :cool:
Hope your once frozen load of chickens have green on 'em when you finally get your greasy hands on them looking forward to a chomp down.
I also hope you don't have any leaves in your back yard large enough to pick one off to wipe your *** with without getting some **** on those greasy hands when your ******* runs out.

Yes, the province will come to a grinding halt and be thrown back into the dark ages if the trucks are forced to use one lane and stop passing each other for little or no reason, just like it was chaos in Europe when they did it..........wait, it's actually more efficient there with less gridlock. I'll be damned.

when you have a bit of a conniption BP issue when you read this post.

You're giving yourself far too much credit, my little friend.
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Hope your once frozen load of chickens have green on 'em when you finally get your greasy hands on them looking forward to a chomp down.
I also hope you don't have any leaves in your back yard large enough to pick one off to wipe your *** with without getting some **** on those greasy hands when your ******* runs out.

Maybe also you can hold your breath whilst waiting for the heart machine to make the appt for your pumper when you have a bit of a conniption BP issue when you read this post. I'll not lose sleep over I sit in the right hand lane...late as ****.

It smells troll really bad.
Unconstitutional? Deemed so because this law infringes on the driver's ability to out-accelerate danger? Perhaps I can make a similar argument about driving drunk. When I'm drunk, I'm not as tense and thus, more likely to survive the accident that my intoxication caused. Being sober impairs my safety by causing me to be tense in the event of a collision.

Personally, I'm fine with the 105km/h limit. I think they should keep it but I ALSO think that trucks on two-lane highways should be limited with the amount of passing that they can do. One truck doing 105 shouldn't be passing another truck doing 103.

Chrysler governs most of their vehicles based on what they deem safe, and many trucking companies do the same because they don't want to be liable for accidents caused by speeding. Most trucks that are governed can also have the governor turned off by the driver once they enter a state where no governor is required.
As a former truck drive of both dedicated short haul and long haul the speed limiter was a bad response to the problem of inexperienced drivers going too fast on ramps I believe.
The real problem is that it is way too easy to take a course and call yourself a truck driver and you are legal to haul flatbeds, tankers, drop decks, etc... but you are only taught how to maneuver around the block or two with an empty trailer. no training on proper loading and securing it.

My Father taught me to drive trucks and I didn't go solo until I had at least 6 months of running team together And even then I barely knew enough to be safe in my opinion.
All the speed limiters did was make people feel safe and the politicians look good in the paper. We need proper training of new drivers and more education to the cagers/ 4 wheelers as I call them so they understand how many dangerous moves they make around trucks. Yes there are a lot of bad truck drivers on the road, but as with motorcycles no one notices the good ones.

P.S. I just saw the previous post. FYI the speed limiting is done by a laptop with specialized software to modify/govern engine speed, etc... I know this because I went to school for computers and have had to have this done to my 2 trucks. things mat have changed in the last 3 yrs since I sold the trucks, if so I stand corrected. please let me know.
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Glad they **** canned that stupid law. It was annoying as hell waiting for a truck to pass another especially out where it's two lanes on the 401. Now, if they can only get moron Canadians to understand keep right we would get somewhere.

It isn't dead yet. This is just one JP. If The Crown is smart, it will be appealed. Once a court judgment is in place, then it becomes precedent. They can't let this judgment stand, so I expect that they will appeal.
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