Truck Speed Limiters Ruled Unconstitutional

Good, hopefully they do away with it entirely.

I also drive a commercial vehicle(no limiter, and no where near the weight of a semi) that prohibits me from using the left lane to pass two trailers doing 105km/h in the 2 right lanes sometimes, it's incredibly frustrating when one driver won't let up and get behind the driver trying to pass him.
Good, hopefully they do away with it entirely.

I also drive a commercial vehicle(no limiter, and no where near the weight of a semi) that prohibits me from using the left lane to pass two trailers doing 105km/h in the 2 right lanes sometimes, it's incredibly frustrating when one driver won't let up and get behind the driver trying to pass him.

Legislate all the commercial vehicles into the right hand lane (like they've done in Europe). Problem solved.
Good, hopefully they do away with it entirely.

I also drive a commercial vehicle(no limiter, and no where near the weight of a semi) that prohibits me from using the left lane to pass two trailers doing 105km/h in the 2 right lanes sometimes, it's incredibly frustrating when one driver won't let up and get behind the driver trying to pass him.

I agree. However, I do find truck drivers to be some of the best drivers out I won't badger them too much.. :-)
do canadian courts like playing ping pong with each other? one court rules left, another court rules right. up and down, high and low. what a waste of time and money.

why can't they just get it right the first time? bunch of idiots getting paid over 100k a year.
do canadian courts like playing ping pong with each other? one court rules left, another court rules right. up and down, high and low. what a waste of time and money.

why can't they just get it right the first time? bunch of idiots getting paid over 100k a year.

Every court believes it got it right..however, one of the two parties may disagree and the right to appeal is important.
do canadian courts like playing ping pong with each other? one court rules left, another court rules right. up and down, high and low. what a waste of time and money.

why can't they just get it right the first time? bunch of idiots getting paid over 100k a year.
I'd rather have them playing best 2 out of 3 at the tax-payer's expense just in case.

As an example: a buddy of mine got accused for stealing from a company...ruled guilty the first time even though he didn't do anything. Eventually, it got to the supreme court and they proved him innocent...but he'd be screwed for life if those criminal charges stuck; would've been sad since he was innocent from the get-go.
100 k a year. whoop die do. 10 years (at least) of being a lawyer and you get paid the same as the first day you get called to the bar...

Its a public service, the pay is ****.
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same with this plastic bag issue.

government: hey! let's charge 5c per bag.
government2: hey! let's rid this 5c charge.

same with the eco fee.

hey! let's charge it.
hey! let's not charge it.

holy fk man LOL
really? a ttc driver can make close to 100k from overtime.

Yep.. It's a public service. One of my buddies could make a killin' playin' D, but he really believes in his work so he's ready to move to the sticks just to work as a Crown.
100 k a year. whoop die do. 10 years (at least) of being a lawyer and you get paid the same as the first day you get called to the bar...

Its a public service, the pay is ****.
Exactly. I got respect for these guys 'cause they're taking a huge pay cut doing that stuff. Granted, 100k is enough to live off (unless they developed expensive habits from their private law days). Definitely a rare breed.

FMJ, that's not a bad idea. How would they reasonably enforce it, though?
The same way Europe does ... like they enforce proper lane changes, left lane bandits etc. It's not that difficult, only the doubters who blindly preach that only speed is enforceable, believe that.
Glad they **** canned that stupid law. It was annoying as hell waiting for a truck to pass another especially out where it's two lanes on the 401. Now, if they can only get moron Canadians to understand keep right we would get somewhere.
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Glad they shitcanned that stupid law. It was annoying as hell waiting for a truck to pass another especially out where it's two lanes on the 401. Now, if they can only get moron Canadians to understand keep right we would get somewhere.

Amen brother...
The traffic is become so bad that a real solution just seems like a dream right now.

Trucks do create a bit of an issue on the highways. Europe is good like that. The right most lane is meant for trucks and most cars stay out of it. The drivers seem so much more respectful in Europe. When I drove through Germany on the autobahn, people were nice enough to keep moving to the right as faster cars passed. And if a car was coming fast behind you, you moved over. Unlike here, where you give the guy behind you a bird instead and slow down to piss them off.
Oh and another good thing they did was if you approched a car from behind in the left lane and had your left turn indicator on the highway it tells the guy infront that you want to overtake and people move outta the way.

Over here too much emphasis is paid on Speed. No one teaches drivers to do the right things on the road. People drive without caring whose behind them or what it happening around them....
And one last thing, no one gives a rat's a__ about the cell phone laws. I see people on there cell phones driving without any fear of getting a ticket.
One the one hand, glad they got rid of it. On the other hand, annoyed that they wasted everyone's time and money that had to implement the limiters in the first place. Hopefully this will reduce the number of two lane wide convoys trying to pass each other with a >1 kph speed delta.
really? a ttc driver can make close to 100k from overtime.

Ya thats super comparable...

Hmm gee. 2 degrees, 80 k in loans, 10 years of practice. at least a 70% pay cut to go and sit on the bench, and have a bunch of know it alls on the net complain that your wage is too high and you can't get it right.

tough one, let me think about that.
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