Trouble With 407 ETR billing using your bike?

I noticed on my this month a "Flat Rate" charge for my bikes only trip on the 407 because they missed me on the exit, but based on the trip calculator that is in my favour if I remember where I got on correctly

Same for me, except it was on entry. My flat rate was $3.20. I did not know what it was until I called them. I said oppps, I shouldn't`t have called you.
He laughed and said,"Once it is entered they can not change it to the correct rate" We both laughed and I said goodbye.
IIRC they used to charge you for one exit if they didn't catch your entrance or exit. Obviously they have not discovered a new way to monetize their asset without raising rates again and the ensuing outrage (like how they added a $1 charge to every trip now).
They tried to tell me that the $1 charge was always there, just classified differently. I call bs on that. 20 trips a month and my bill went up $20. I keep all my old statements, went through the 407 ones last month....since inception the amount I've spent could have bought me a new bike. ?

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Opposite to what your saying that USED be the rule you only got charged to the next exit, now under "new rules they take the number of kms traveled by all vehicles using the highway at that time of day and they charge you the "averaged trip km", now
That is such bull$#!+ ! If I didn't hate the 401 so much...

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Then why don't you guys pull your evidence together and contact/email CityTv or other news outlet.
Never know what you stumble upon.
Then why don't you guys pull your evidence together and contact/email CityTv or other news outlet.
Never know what you stumble upon.

For me it was in my favour. First time ever with 407. Usually they charge me as a cage. Yet, I still have to call them to correct the charges.
Yes they charge you the $1, (if it is the same charge, used to be 90 cents per trip). I asked what it was for they said it was their "roadside assistance charge" that if you run out of gas they provide you with gas to get off the highway. As well ad other assistance if you break down. I said I pay CAA fr that so you can take it off my bill.They said it was "approved" in their contract with the province and everyone pays, every trip!!!
Yes they charge you the $1, (if it is the same charge, used to be 90 cents per trip). I asked what it was for they said it was their "roadside assistance charge" that if you run out of gas they provide you with gas to get off the highway. As well ad other assistance if you break down. I said I pay CAA fr that so you can take it off my bill.They said it was "approved" in their contract with the province and everyone pays, every trip!!!
Going on the 407 tomorrow. Gonna pull over, call them and get me some free gas!

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
............. my bill.They said it was "approved" in their contract with the province and everyone pays, every trip!!!.............

I have 3 vehicles on my 407 account, no transponder charge for the bike but they tell me I have to call in every 2 years to have a video toll charge suppression code maintained on the account for the ST. I guess they feel there's some risk the bike will morph into a car over time so this billing suppression has to be confirmed or updated periodically.

This per use fee of $1.00 is just pure BS. The Harris government needed to balance the budget and they used what was effectively an asset sale with a lump sum up front payment at the end of a fiscal year to lease the 407 asset to the private sector on very favourable terms for 99 years. As we know the government has no say in what tolls the 407 charges and "approved" simply means the original contract gave the 407 consortium the right to do whatever the hell they want, making the 407 one of the most expensive toll roads in the world.
I have this same problem. Camera charges constantly. I have to keep calling in to have them changed. I even have to double check the true charge because often they make mistakes even in the correction. It is quite annoying. I happily pay my bills, but when they keep making mistakes it becomes a irritating task linked to taking the 407. Still wouldn't use a plate flipper though. :D
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