If you're considering going racing you could start next year (or this) instead of waiting.
You don't have to necessarily do a whole season, you could just do sporadic weekends.
I just say so because you may be postponing something you'd like to do just because you may not feel ready for it or you may envision it to be more complicated then what it actually is.
Before going to my first RACE weekend I didn't know what to expect and was afraid of being way slower than everyone else and be in the way of the other riders.
At the end I have to say it was incredibly fun, I was slow and and most people lapped me but everyone is used to racing so it was safe.
Cost-wise racing it's not so much off from track days. Of course you're doing 3 days in a row vs usually 1 for TD and that makes it more expensive.
Also there is not much difference in what you need for track days or racing. The main difference is that the bike needs to be properly lock wired.