The noise is an easy fix.There is a hollow length of weatherstripping running under the leading edge of the hood.Buy an equal length of 1/4" soft vinyl tubing to fill it and prevent it from collapsing and creating the howling noise.You can push it in if you lube it with a bit of Vaseline.Noise gone.It is under warranty and its a pain to keep having to go back for them to "fix" the problems I have.
Mine is a 4cyl 4x4 manual trans and I only get 19mpg
I have the bed mat from toyota, but that tailgate is still an accident waiting to happen
Im not complaining about "truck" noises, nor do I consider this toy a truck anyway, I call it my camry with a big rubbermaid trunk... Im talking about faulty weather stripping where i get a howling noise from the driver side window/door area when driving on the highway on windy days. The dealer told me its a known problem and a solution hasent been issued yet.
My Tacoma is an automatic.Don't know why your mileage is bad.But then...I drive like a senior.Haha.