Toronto to Halifax & Cabot Trail


Planning on taking a trip out from Toronto to Halifax and the Cabot trail in early September (6th to 14th 2018). Thinking about doing it in 9 days, haven't taken a trip of this magnitude, but the two of us want to make it work!

Is there anyone already planning a trip or wouldn't mind coming along with us? Or anyone here willing to share some info for the ride from Toronto to Halifax? I'm finding plenty of info for Halifax to Cabot, but nothing for Toronto to Halifax...
September is better than October. I was riding through light snow on my way home
I have done the trip from Toronto to Nova Scotia several times both on the bike and in the cage. On the bike, cutting through the US on secondary highways was much more enjoyable and far less boring than staying on the Trans Canada.
I have done the trip from Toronto to Nova Scotia several times both on the bike and in the cage. On the bike, cutting through the US on secondary highways was much more enjoyable and far less boring than staying on the Trans Canada.

+1 on going through the US. Nice highways, beautiful scenery and not one long straight road like the Trans Canada. When I went 4 or 5 years ago I crossed at Niagara Falls went through the Adirondacks into Vermont and kept heading east from there. Beautiful roads in upstate NY once you get to the Adirondacks. Take a short 30 min fairy to Vermont, then into New Hampshire, Main, etc.
You're going to need good rain gear at that time of year in the Maritimes.
Hi OP,
I'm planning to do an east coast trip with the wife in our SUV during the same time period.
I'll probably be camping in the SUV between days at a nice hotel--Lake placid, Vermont (jay peak), and Bar Harbor--not going all the way to NS though.

Super loose schedule, stop where we want.
I did this trip 2 weeks ago. If you're taking the trans-canada through quebec, there are smaller highways that run parallel to it most of the way that are much more relaxing, like highway 132. It will be slower because it goes through many small towns but I find that type of ride much nicer than a long jaunt on a high speed high way. Once I got to highway 289 I took that east and it goes straight into new brunswick and then edmunston.

New brunswick is nice to explore too, I took highway 180 from hwy 17 to bathurst, it's a long remote highway with nice scenery and very little traffic. But I found most of the smaller highways in new brunswick to be in terrible condition by ontario standards (although 180 was good).
Two weeks ago I left from Toronto to Cabot Trail. When I got to Portland (to take the ferry to NS) I pivoted and went to Gaspe.

As another poster mentioned riding through the Adirondacks is gorgeous. You can stop in Lake Placid.

From there ride east through VT and NH to Portland.

Grab a 230pm ferry to NS. Arrive at night.

From NS it’s about 250 km or so to Halifax and another 250 or so to little Towns not too far from the Cabot Trail.


Ps. 9 days seems slightly tight. Doable. But tight. Doesn’t allow for rain days.

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its a solid 20 hrs of driving to get to the cabot trail, i did it a few years ago with a buddy. we wanted to ride but with our schedules wanted to spend the time riding the roads in certian places so we loaded the 2 bikes in my truck and drove out there.
rode cabot trail then went to PEI for a few days then finished the week with riding muskoka.
Missed ya by a week.
I am leaving on Sept 14.
I am riding out to NFLD, departing Barrie Ontario area on September 7. I will be taking the Northern route, via North Bay. HIGHWAY 17 is a nice ride, IMHO, far better then the mundane 401.

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401 to 1,000 islands, cross into NY
east from there in NE states to Calais, Maine
cross into NB and east to NS

401/20 are awful, until you make the turn at Riviere du Loop
the exchange rate sucks, but cheap gas/lodging/food more than make up

and the routing on secondary highways is much more enjoyable
Nice.........spend a few days in the Rocky Harbour/Woody Point area in NF......I like taking the midnight ferry from Sydney to Port Aue Basse (sorry spelling?}
OP, no matter what you do, get off the 401. It will suck the life out of you. Go through the States, much more interesting. If you need routes, I have some that you could modify to your needs.

This would be awesome if you could, Unfortunately my riding partner does not want to go through the states. But I'd love to avoid the long boring stretches. Please send on!

Side note, should I be updating this thread with a trip-log? Or should I start a new one?
No to hijack but I'm planning a road trip to Nova Scotia with my wife and pups by car ​in about 2 weeks.

We're looking to stay at AirBnBs along the way and interested in routes and things to see, eat, and do. Any suggestions for good routes/plans? I'd appreciate a PM!
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