Toronto Motorcycle Show!! Free Tickets!!

All you have to do is wait for Joe to reach target post minus 1 and then swoop in quickly. You get 30 seconds lol

I won last year, else I would've done it this year haha
Except this time I slowed down to throw ppl off.
Problem is my eyesight is hindered atm and I didn't notice my link error. Or else......
It's all good.
I'm sure I'll win a pair off of fb at noon today.

Sent from my purple G4 using Tapatalk
Except this time I slowed down to throw ppl off.
Problem is my eyesight is hindered atm and I didn't notice my link error. Or else......
It's all good.
I'm sure I'll win a pair off of fb at noon today.

Sent from my purple G4 using Tapatalk
Lol I was kidding Joe. Last year I only won on a technicality, because you had won the previous year. Else you were the clear winner.

Good luck! Hope you secure tickets. I'm not planing to go this year, to avoid impulse spending
Lol I was kidding Joe. Last year I only won on a technicality, because you had won the previous year. Else you were the clear winner.

Good luck! Hope you secure tickets. I'm not planing to go this year, to avoid impulse spending
That's the thing about the damn can never tell the "tone" of a post. Knew you were kidding.....just more feeling dumb that my genius plan to win tix was foiled by the fact that I'm not a genius! Lol.
Lucky for me, I don't have any money to spend!

Sent from my purple G4 using Tapatalk
Would be really really nice if people able to attend can post a few event photos here ;)
Would be really really nice if people able to attend can post a few event photos here ;)

Will do Saturday or Sunday.

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anyone know if there are any discount promo codes?
There was the buy online and save $1.25 ($3 saved +1.75 service fee?) But that deadline was Tuesday I think.

Sent from my LG-H873 using Tapatalk
That's a discount for the Auto Show, not the motorbike show.
Wtf was I thinking??
My bad

Sent from my purple G4 using Tapatalk
i ended up going with the wife yesterday. arrived around 5pm for half price ladies night. it was relatively quiet. not crowded at all but understandable considering its a weekday and its barely after work for most people. i saw a bunch of people filing in as we were leaving.

got to sit on a bunch of bikes. loved actually seeing NEW bikes there. other than that though, not much to do but i guess thats the expectation of these shows anyway. i wish they offered SOMETHING different but i cant pinpoint what that could be.

the crowd was mostly just really old white dudes. my wife and i (as a non-white person) are in our 30s and felt super young there. that doesnt spark much faith in the growth of the sport haha.
I did see a lot of younger folk when I was there, maybe they went after work/dinner (I was there 630ish-8ish)

Things that are there:

FTR1200, new weird retro Hondas, Tuono with semi-active suspension, new R1250RS, new S1000RR, SV650X, the weird Yamaha Niken (with chassis/suspension exposed)

Not there:

Harley Livewire, any other electric bikes other than the same old Zeros, fire extinguishers in proximity to Polaris Slingshot, amazing deals on tires or helmets
Lots of folks young, old and in-between. and many nationalities there today.

before lunch. I know there is entertainment such as a stunt show but, didn’t partake.

Hit up the show and checked out what was new and was pretty impressed.

My FIL and I did get in free thanks Paul and & GTAM and Wolfpack.

Now for some picks. Keep in mind, it was busy so taking a minute to line up a shot is impossible. And the pics I took are from my preferences. Sorry I didn’t do any SS. I know, I know. Boo.


Also, GP bikes had a line up of folks buying stuff so, I’m sure there were deals to be had. I was just window shopping.

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I have to say GP does a great display of products, gear, bikes etc.

I was pretty smitten with Triumph this year and the VStorm kitted our with gold laced rims was calling my name.

The winter has me imagining the Ural helping me through the rest of the season.

Ducati Desert Sled is the right colour combo and look to encourage me to try and grow a beard despite my genetic inability.

I’m a HD guy and they had some stuff that was good and others that are a miss.

I really think Triumph has offering in the categories they compete. ADV, cruiser, street. All winners. At least sitting still.

Honda greets you with some nice offerings and lots of room to navigate with people.

Other places were crammed.

Indian had a lot of ladies trying out the Scout and they had a variety to choose from.

I really like their touring models but I’m still a few more years before making the jump.

I’m running through scrambler, standard or ADV.

Ducati, Triumph or Suzuki?

Decisions decisions. Lol.

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Got to the show right at 10:00. Spent a fair bit of time at the BMW display sitting on the K1600GT. Feels very similar to my FJR1300. I could see that as my next bike in a couple of years. If I can wait that long.;)
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