Toothache on the road??


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Just added a new must take item to the travel pills.


happiness is

Likely have an abcess and have an appointment Monday but pain pills and anti-biotics were not knocking it back,

It's still tender but Orajel knocked the discomfort right back to barely noticeable. Can't eat on that side but just about zero pain and discomfort instantly.
I''d be a lot safer getting home from a trip without heavy painkillers....this stuff works and right fast.

The wonders of modern chemistry :)
Oil of cloves contains eugenol which is the basis of an anaesthetic your dentist uses. Put it on some cotton wool and put that next to the sore tooth and it works pretty well. I’m sure the oragel does too. I also have a small pot of temporary filling material that I take on vacation in case of emergencies. That works very well for a week or so.
Personally, I would just swerve and avoid the toothache on the road. I didn't know you could easily buy temporary filling material without being a dentist. Hopefully, it doesn't happen to you often.
Personally, I would just swerve and avoid the toothache on the road. I didn't know you could easily buy temporary filling material without being a dentist. Hopefully, it doesn't happen to you often.

It's just for emergencies. I had a really deep filling once that kept dislodging every now and then. So I took the filling material with me until the thing was fixed properly. It’s not metal, it’s some kind of putty that hardens over time.
DIY fillings, awesome

tried that once with a solder gun
sucks when your aim is off and get a drop of molten tin on your tongue
DIY fillings, awesome

tried that once with a solder gun
sucks when your aim is off and get a drop of molten tin on your tongue
Next time try lead solder - lower melting point, smaller burns.
Just go to the dentist in Mexico like I did.

you can get oil of clove at bulk barn. It’s nasty stuff though.
MacDoc, may I suggest, you curtail your travels, lately you have been down to one eye, and now this tooth, your warranty period must have expired, and now your falling
All on 4 is the best way to go... a little pricey though....$50 to $70k the best thing ever for a permanent eat anything killer smile.
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