Too many bikes on road to wave these days

SS's don't wave at me cause I'm on a cruiser.
HD's don't wave at me cause I'm on a metric.
Ebikes don't wave at me cause they don't want to spill their beer.
I still wave/ nod at everyone. I need more/ a friend(s).

Where do DS riders fit in there?
Where do DS riders fit in there?

They avoid me because I compliment them on their pants, right Inreb?

Actually, they always wave/ wave back.
right Joe, oh and on a personal note you'll be proud of me today. Doing cement.
SS's don't wave at me cause I'm on a cruiser.
HD's don't wave at me cause I'm on a metric.
Ebikes don't wave at me cause they don't want to spill their beer.
I still wave/ nod at everyone. I need more/ a friend(s).

Don't sweat it, I'll wave to you man!
Back home waving is very rare however we give a nod to other bikes instead, that way you can keep your hands on the bars where they should be.
I waved at a bike cop on a highway on ramp seatbelt check at twice the suggested speed limit (was not that fast for that ramp..) . He waved back... Either that or he was signalling me to stop with a smile on his face.
Back home waving is very rare however we give a nod to other bikes instead, that way you can keep your hands on the bars where they should be.

well, also the fact that we ride on the other side of the road, so waving would be with the throttle hand.. Nodding is what I do here mainly anyway, as I always have guys on cruisers waving to me in corners ;-)
Not sure where you ride but I ride 90% of my time outside the gta and I see bikes all over the place.

its all relative. more people = more bikes. i see more bikes the closer i get to union station... noone waves there, too much going on.
Nodding is what I do here mainly anyway, as I always have guys on cruisers waving to me in corners ;-)

Lolz! ?
I was in Quebec this past weekend. I saw more bikes in an afternoon on the road than I've seen all season. That got a bit repetitive.

Sometimes I do the lazy wave and just lift my palm off the bar.
Bike cop waved at me once.....scared the @#$#@ out of me so i pegged it just incase he came after me for not waving back !

lol. 2 biker cop waved at me on the weekend after i jumped off the HOV lane. LOL. I exited DVP immediately and detoured. lol
I wave to everybody, if I'm not busy, otherwise it's the nod.
I always knew bikes and jeeps do the wave, but I recently began driving/operating a crane truck and found out they all wave to each other. All day long, running loads up and down the 407 waving to other cranes. It's kinda weird. Lol
Just get one of these and attach it you your mirror. Problem solved.

this year, i wave at everyone, even the e-bikes riding on the sidewalk :wave:
Ita funnier when a bike pulls up to you at a stop and you got headphones in listening to music and cant hear a word there saying and to lazy to let them know you cant hear them. Sp i just nod and thumbs up. Lol
Ita funnier when a bike pulls up to you at a stop and you got headphones in listening to music and cant hear a word there saying and to lazy to let them know you cant hear them. Sp i just nod and thumbs up. Lol

I point to my ear and then give the unknowing shrug motion

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