Too many bikes on road to wave these days

I waved at bike on woodbine bypass and it turned out it was an opp bike, he even waved back!
It's a bit awkward when passing a large group of bikes going the other way.
sorry but my arm is tired.

Thankfully I don't have that problem. For me it's more of a psychological thing, I cannot not wave. But I'm starting to pick up a vibe lately where I sense the biker coming toward me heaves a big sigh when he sees me and thought bubbles "oh gawd here we go again". So I just clench my jaw and use every fibre of my being to keep my hand on the grip. I hope I'm reading this right as I'd hate to be the weak link.
Don't wave keep your hands on the bar, you may need it when you can't use your escape option becuae your riding side by side... Hey why not solve two problems at once... Get a ural then you can ride beside your buddy AND they can do all the waving for you.....
I waved at bike on woodbine bypass and it turned out it was an opp bike, he even waved back!

U probably surprised him lol

Alot of anti-social riders on here geez
U probably surprised him lol

Alot of anti-social riders on here geez

Surprised me as well, didn't notice it was an officer until we almost abreast of each other. I usually wave at bike cops as I figure they are probably riders before they are cops, if that makes any sense.

More so I often wonder if he/she had the inclination could they charge me with 'stunting' as I only had one hand on the bars while waving? Any LEO's care to give an opinion on that?
U probably surprised him lol

Alot of anti-social riders on here geez

I was being sarcastic. I nod or wave even at the crusty old ****s on their 3 ton hogs who have to keep the miserable look so their image isn't ruined. They never wave back either.
I was being sarcastic. I nod or wave even at the crusty old ****s on their 3 ton hogs who have to keep the miserable look so their image isn't ruined. They never wave back either.

How many times do I have to apologize?!?!? I was navigating a turn! I'm sorry! I did nod! Lol :P
More so I often wonder if he/she had the inclination could they charge me with 'stunting' as I only had one hand on the bars while waving? Any LEO's care to give an opinion on that?

I am curious about this too as sometimes I take both hands of the bar to stretch for a few seconds. Is this considered stunting?
SS's don't wave at me cause I'm on a cruiser.
HD's don't wave at me cause I'm on a metric.
Ebikes don't wave at me cause they don't want to spill their beer.
I still wave/ nod at everyone. I need more/ a friend(s).
SS's don't wave at me cause I'm on a cruiser.
HD's don't wave at me cause I'm on a metric.
Ebikes don't wave at me cause they don't want to spill their beer.
I still wave/ nod at everyone. I need more/ a friend(s).

I waved at you on forks once. You waved back because you were on the way to get your ice cream lol

Joe admit it you don't wave so you don't drop your Ice

I lol'd but you're probably right :D
Well if they wanted to screw you over they "can" charge you, but there is nothing in s172 specifically requiring a rider to have both hands on the bar at all times. Consider a bike without turn signals you are REQUIRED to use hand signals which require letting go of the bar. I would think that would be sufficent doubt/grounds for a dismissal of the charge.

Surprised me as well, didn't notice it was an officer until we almost abreast of each other. I usually wave at bike cops as I figure they are probably riders before they are cops, if that makes any sense.

More so I often wonder if he/she had the inclination could they charge me with 'stunting' as I only had one hand on the bars while waving? Any LEO's care to give an opinion on that?
Bike cop waved at me once.....scared the @#$#@ out of me so i pegged it just incase he came after me for not waving back !
I have a bike and a jeep, I don't get to rest my arm even when I drive.

Sometimes I get confused and wave at jeeps when I am riding and at bikes when I am driving, they also get confused and just look at me

White people's problems
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