Back in the day smoking pot didn't lead to fisticuffs, today even less so.
Funny, I nearly killed myself twice, almost got shot by cops, had my arm dislocated, had half my face bloodied up, spent a month in a mental hospital, and spent over a year on Psych drugs where I was sleeping for 15 minutes a night and contemplated killing myself on a daily basis..... I will admit that the Psych drugs were to blame more than the THC but THC was what started it all. Of course the weed defenders will say it was laced or I'm full of crap but somehow that didn't happen to the other 3 guys that smoked the exact same thing. The truth is that, as has been mentioned, the brain is a complex organ and we don't really understand it. When you're polluting it with foreign substances you simply don't know what's going to happen. Just cause 10000 other people smoke daily and are fine doent mean you'll be fine. I learned this the VERY hard way. Some people smoke weed and it relaxes them and calms them, some people smoke and have panic attacks. We really don't understand the exact way in which it effects the mind. The same goes for most Psych drugs too though. Pharmaceutical companies promote the crap out of the drugs cause they make big money off them but the thousands of side effects get swept under the rug and it was never proven that people with mental issues have any sort of chemical imbalance in their brain to begin with so how is boosting this neurotransmitter or suppressing another one curing them? 100 years from now people will look back at psychiatr now and ttoday's practices will seem like the lobotomies of 100 years ago.Interesting that the most dangerous thing about weed, is getting caught with it.
The human brain is the most complex device in the known universe, yet it is an imperfect one. Our memory is unreliable and of limited capacity, our actions are influenced by a host of arbitrary and irrelevant factors. Neurons and synapses and computational elements that are remarkably well suited for certain tasks are poorly suited for others. The brain's limitations and flaws have a wide range of consequences, from simple illusions to annoying memory glitches to irrational decisions whose effects can be either innocuous or fatal. This needs daily impairment. Long term effects are of no concern today.
Considering you haven't smoked since before i was born you definitley wont have anything to contribute to a thread comparing weed now and from 20something years ago... im stating that weed today isnt 'hardcore'Considering you likely weren't even born the last time I smoked, I think it's highly likely you have very little to contribute to the thread.
Considering you haven't smoked since before i was born you definitley wont have anything to contribute to a thread comparing weed now and from 20something years ago... im stating that weed today isnt 'hardcore'
Sorry not trying to be the weed master by any means. Just stating an opinion.OK - you're the weed master - wear your crown with pride.
I know nothing about today's weed and made that clear in my post - you know nothing about weed strength 20+ years ago. I was just looking for info on why / when weed got so much more potent.
You could use some of the old stuff - chill out.
Irrelevant...youre still a t w a t
Just say NO to drugs!
Funny, I nearly killed myself twice, almost got shot by cops, had my arm dislocated, had half my face bloodied up, spent a month in a mental hospital, and spent over a year on Psych drugs where I was sleeping for 15 minutes a night and contemplated killing myself on a daily basis..... I will admit that the Psych drugs were to blame more than the THC but THC was what started it all. Of course the weed defenders will say it was laced or I'm full of crap but somehow that didn't happen to the other 3 guys that smoked the exact same thing. The truth is that, as has been mentioned, the brain is a complex organ and we don't really understand it. When you're polluting it with foreign substances you simply don't know what's going to happen. Just cause 10000 other people smoke daily and are fine doent mean you'll be fine. I learned this the VERY hard way. Some people smoke weed and it relaxes them and calms them, some people smoke and have panic attacks. We really don't understand the exact way in which it effects the mind. The same goes for most Psych drugs too though. Pharmaceutical companies promote the crap out of the drugs cause they make big money off them but the thousands of side effects get swept under the rug and it was never proven that people with mental issues have any sort of chemical imbalance in their brain to begin with so how is boosting this neurotransmitter or suppressing another one curing them? 100 years from now people will look back at psychiatr now and ttoday's practices will seem like the lobotomies of 100 years ago.
The psych drugs were to blame...YEA, for ****ing up your psychology you dumbass. Weed was just your "gateway drug" excuse.
Sorry man but take away all the psych meds and I would have STILL ended up in the psych ward and crawling up the walls, almost getting shot, etc. from just the hash. The psych drugs ****ed up my recovery and made it a 1+ year process, gave me sleep issues, made me feel out of it for months after, etc. but it was the hash, yes, just the hash that brought on a manic episode for me. No "chemical" ****. Sorry.
Sorry man but take away all the psych meds and I would have STILL ended up in the psych ward and crawling up the walls, almost getting shot, etc. from just the hash. The psych drugs ****ed up my recovery and made it a 1+ year process, gave me sleep issues, made me feel out of it for months after, etc. but it was the hash, yes, just the hash that brought on a manic episode for me. No "chemical" ****. Sorry.
It could have been the hash or depending on how the hash was processed/made it could have been residual contaminants from butane or isopropyl alcohol.I would avoid concentrates or extracts for this reason alone. FWIW vacuum purging isn't 100%
Roasted you might just have a body chemistry that just does not play well with THC everybody is different
Da fuq?
He's talking about smoking hash. Not shatter. Not oil. What kind of hash contains butane or 99?
I've seen this before. Twice. Two different friends. Go easy on him Jason, it's for real.
We got underway in 1967. I've seen a lot. The two I referenced, had smoked hash. (couple years apart).
Both needed an ambulance & time in the hospital. They've each done several stints in the psyche wards.
One so much as electro shock therapy.
Here's what's left of him..........let me introduce...... Carl (this is serious lol, but you need to know him)
I've never had a single mental issue, ever, not even a hint of anxiety. Also, haven't had any issues since (well, other than stuff caused by the psych drugs, doing great since I got off those)......although my ex would probably tell you that she's convinced I have narcissistic personality disorder lolbut in every incident I know of... the person always had separate issues.