Today's hockey players are wimps

I've gotten to meet quite a few NHL players over the years.[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] Bep Guidolin, the youngest player ever in the NHL at 16, gave me some great insight to how it was back in the Original Six. I asked him what he thought of the current NHL (this was '97 or '98) and he said he'd never do it; players these were way too big and way too fast.

It's a romantic notion to think the "old days" were so great. Consider that, in the old days, a "huge player" was anyone over 200 pounds and the pace of the game allowed for players to take 2 minute shifts while using intermissions for a smoke break.

Soccer? Completely different sport, chances are so few and far between that flopping is worth the chance to take an extra two or three free kicks a game.
I've gotten to meet quite a few NHL players over the years.[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] Bep Guidolin, the youngest player ever in the NHL at 16, gave me some great insight to how it was back in the Original Six. I asked him what he thought of the current NHL (this was '97 or '98) and he said he'd never do it; players these were way too big and way too fast.

It's a romantic notion to think the "old days" were so great. Consider that, in the old days, a "huge player" was anyone over 200 pounds and the pace of the game allowed for players to take 2 minute shifts while using intermissions for a smoke break.

Soccer? Completely different sport, chances are so few and far between that flopping is worth the chance to take an extra two or three free kicks a game.

It has nothing to do with size .. The nhl will one become a no hit league... The point of the thread is the physicality in the league is going..

Started with the visors

The big equipment from fear of injury

Instigator rule

Then the no clutching and no interference to the neutral zone

Then the open ice hit was gone. You will never see no Scott Stevens type hits ever

Then it was no hitting from behind and they had to introduce that because so the players can turn their backs and stop contact.

Then the head shots.. No more shoulder to head.. Every big hit since the 80's includes a shoulder to the head. Look it up on YouTube and you will hear them describe it as great clean hits
i like where this thread is going. No love for crosby here either. Big mouth and nothing behind it


lol +1
And you know why Peverley is a badass?

Ex-Bruin with his name on the Cup. What up.
You know Detroit is putting Boston out first round right? :D

Putting them out front? I know eh ;)

We'll see if Detroit's veterans can score with their walkers on the ice. Or not break a hip.

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OP, come back and post when you make a 7 figure salary for playing sports.......................... invest that much in an athlete and anyone would give them a short break to recover to avoid risk of aggravating a more serious injury.

Bruised lip? Jaw could be broken after taking a puck in the face
Broken finger nail? You try putting every ounce of strength on it while taking a shot, see how that feels.
It has nothing to do with size .. The nhl will one become a no hit league... The point of the thread is the physicality in the league is going..

Started with the visors

The big equipment from fear of injury

Instigator rule

Then the no clutching and no interference to the neutral zone

Then the open ice hit was gone. You will never see no Scott Stevens type hits ever

Then it was no hitting from behind and they had to introduce that because so the players can turn their backs and stop contact.

Then the head shots.. No more shoulder to head.. Every big hit since the 80's includes a shoulder to the head. Look it up on YouTube and you will hear them describe it as great clean hits

ugg, a leaf fan. Alright, let's deal with this step at a time.

The no hit league. Plenty of hits, the problem is that size and speed has increased yet our ability to absorb those hits has not. Therefore, more injuries and head trauma. As far as physicality goes, it all depends on your opinion on where the game should head. There are two camps: one is filled with knuckle dragging Walmart mouth breathers who want the NHL to look like the UFC on ice while the other is filled with long time fans who played the game and want speed and skill to dictate wins. While I'm in the "speed and skill" camp, it doesn't mean there can't be toughness, but I'll get to that.

The visors, well, you have to understand that players in the old NHL were nothing but chattel and treated as such. They were poorly paid and no care was given to their well being. As salaries rose, owners moved to protect their investment. Players, too, moved to protect their livelyhood. It's like calling someone who works high steel a pussy for wearing a harness when working 40 floors up.

Fear of injury, see previous paragraph. It depends on your ability to understand, though I'll break it down further. If you have a good job that you enjoy, you try and mitigate the danger to your ability to earn the best you can so you can keep earning and keep doing your job. Hockey at the highest level is a job and hard work. Meet up with any long time player a few years after they've left the game and you'll see very few were lucky enough to escape the game without a long term injury that inhibits their life. Sure, it's great to play the game, but if you leave it at the age of 35 what good was the game to you if it leaves you with a broken body?

Instigator rule, meh, I think it should only be called when one of the combatants is unwilling.

Clutching and grabbing. This is difficult for me to understand as a life long fan. The game's high point was the 80's when there wasn't as much clutching and grabbing. It was an awesome sight to watch. The game from the mid 90's to 2004 was absolutely boring. Nowhere in the NHL rulebook is clutching and grabbing condoned and yet it was allowed. Those that want it back do so because the team they cheer for are built on "truculence". Even the dumbest Leaf fan (and there's plenty of them) would agree that it is much more enjoyable to watch Phil Kessel streak down the rink with the puck than to watch Colton Orr (or whatever) clutch and grab.

Plenty of open ice hits, but, without the clutching and grabbing, it is much harder to find your target when you go headhunting. Defensemen that do so, Dion Phaneuf comes to mind, leave space unattended to be exploited by the opposition. In a way, the lack of open ice hits you speak of has more to do with coaches who demand accountability from their defensemen. Scott Stevens, in today's game, would get raped defensively if he played the exact same way.

Hitting from behind, I'm of two minds there; players turn their backs to avoid the hit now in hopes of drawing a penalty. Refs are put in a tough spot there.

Hits to the head. I get what you are saying but we know a lot more about the effects of these hits now. And, as players are paid millions of dollars, the last thing players and owners want it to miss huge gobs of time due to the effects of a concussion. Sure, they could play through it like the old days, but in the old days your career was half the time it is now. Ever meet a player from the 60's and 70's?

If you are one that enjoys watching men break their bodies for your enjoyment then you'd love a return to the NHL of '95 to 2004; slow plodding affairs where some hockey might breakout amongst the clutching, grabbing, and fighting.

If you are a fan of the game of hockey and enjoy playing it, then you'll prefer a return to 80's style firewagon hockey.

The game today is caught in between the two. I don't mind it, I think refs have allowed some cluthing and grabbing to creep back into the game but it's still entertaining.
Don Cherry must have soiled himself when he saw this one. GREAT CANADIAN BOY, ROLL THE TAPE!


this would hgave been a clean hit 10 years ago, and it still should be.

dont skate with your head down. Pretty soon the NHL will be like Flag Football, or soccer ( players taking dives for penalties )

this would hgave been a clean hit 10 years ago, and it still should be.

dont skate with your head down. Pretty soon the NHL will be like Flag Football, or soccer ( players taking dives for penalties )

^^^ this !!! 100%
Sorry guys, blatant charge. If not a charge then boarding. If that's in open ice and Seabrook keeps his feet planted, monster clean hit.

On another note, drop the instigator rule so someone can tool up Keith. Deplorable game from him.

Also for the record, Stevens was a 50/50 player imo. 50% clean hard contact, 50% late dirty shots.

Proper way to demolish a guy with his head down:

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the problem is that any real solid hit is now almost an automatic penalty.

Then you get retards like Shanahan who review these in ultra slow-mo then fine and suspend players. its a fast game, and sometimes things happen. when 2 players are moving fast, anything can happen in that last half second before impact.

you even see players grab a puck and turn their backs so they cant be hit. Todays players ARE pussies.

Hockey from the 80's and 90's was better IMO.
So much hate for Crosby I thought I would join in

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not only do i hate him as a player, as a team-mate he is disgusting. Crosby got hit in the all Star game, and missed the remainder of the season. then he decided not to help his team by skipping the playoffs, (and they ahd a great chance that year) they were eliminated in the 2nd round i think. trhen had his summer vacations missed camp, then missed 4 months of the next regular season ? Holy Crap ! Ive seen a heart transplant patient recover faster.
he may be an awesome hockey player but i wouldnt want him on my team. If he was an American you'd probably hate him.....

Its too bad he wasnt. He shouldnt be on Team Canada either cause a Canadian wouldnt have missed the playoffs.

can you imagine if a player did that in Toronto ? bahahaha
can you imagine if a player did that in Toronto ? bahahaha

I can't imagine Toronto in the playoffs, so, no.

I'm not a huge Crosby fan, but, there is a certain protocol to follow when concussions are involved. Tests are run and compared to a baseline, you can't play if you don't pass. Period. I took 10 months before he passed.
the point you missed is that HE decided not to play. have you ever heard of any other player missing that kind of time for an injury like that ?

you think Brett Farve would sit out of the playoffs in the NFL becasue of that ? imagine if you missed 1 year of work at your job because you got bonked on the head. Im not saying he didnt get hurt, but a whole year to recover from that ?? honestly ?? lol like i said, he could have had a heart transplant. and i think he should have because the kid has no heart.
Sid the squid couldn't hold Favres jock. The kid is a pussy. Favre played right after his dad's funeral, dawn near the game of his life. That kid is in it for money and the ego. If he had of come in with his mouth shut and just played he'd be ok. He's far from the next Gretzky as everyone used to go on about
Yeah, I watched that game where Farve played the day after his dad died from a heart attack.
Unfortunately for me he was playing against my Dude was on another level that night.
the point i was making was superstar players decide when they play, not the other way around. if Crosby really wanted to play, he would just say Im playing, and thats it.
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