To: Young Girl on red CBR125 on Allen rd N on Saturday

This happens with car drivers, not just motorcycle riders. It's a condition of not knowing wtf you are doing on the road. You should not be on a bike if you don't even know how to properly navigate the streets yet. Learn that in a car.

If you miss a turn or exit, just take the next one. I don't get why so many people do stupid **** to save themselves the extra 5-10 minutes of taking a different route when they end up in the wrong place. Like going the wrong way down the road or slamming your brakes in the middle of the highway to get the ramp you missed.

M1 is the easiest license to get. You then get a bike and ride. No course needed. At least for some people.

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My wife just wrote the M1. It's more difficult to get an M1 than it is to get a G1. There are 3 tests that are 20 questions each for the M1 vs. 2 tests for the G1. M1 writers must know all of the same info as G1 riders plus through the final test show some knowledge of general riding knowledge / etiquette (lane position / blocking) and panic situation response (flat tire, engine seizure).

I've ridden on public roads for 24 years and plan to take the rider safety course with my wife as I never have taken it previously.
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