To the rider of the black cbr600 on eirn mills around 650 (sunday)

Think I've got you all beat. I had a squid pass me on the outside on this exit ramp:,-79.361469&spn=0.00256,0.005681&mrt=all&z=18

I had someone split between two of us on this offramp,-79.361844&sspn=0.036148,0.087891&t=h&z=18

Folks, if you are riding staggered through a two-lane road (especially a twisty road) and a faster rider approaches your group from behind, do the courteous thing and when it's safe to do so, temporarily move from staggered position to a riding column on the right-hand side so the faster rider can pass without having to cross a double-yellow to blow by your parade.

And for all the pantyhose-wearers, yes, your single-track vehicle is legally entitled to the entire 8-foot width of your lane, but honestly... have a little courtesy.

If anyone has the courtesy to slow down and wait the half dozen seconds for the formation to change, it might happen. Since nobody ever has, they just get written off as discourteous.

HTA says two vehicles cannot be in the same lane, so pass in a separate lane, fool. Yes, curves are rare here, but what stops you from turning around and doing it from both ways?
I hear you, I had a Biker pass me on the QEW in the same lane. if i wer to swerve we would of been done. people are just stupid.
Folks, if you are riding staggered through a two-lane road (especially a twisty road) and a faster rider approaches your group from behind, do the courteous thing and when it's safe to do so, temporarily move from staggered position to a riding column on the right-hand side so the faster rider can pass without having to cross a double-yellow to blow by your parade.

And for all the pantyhose-wearers, yes, your single-track vehicle is legally entitled to the entire 8-foot width of your lane, but honestly... have a little courtesy.

Not trying to be rude, but that's really poor advice. The only COMMON knowledge people can rely on is traffic laws, which are better understood when driving than guessing what someone "courteous" would do. Like racing on a track, or regular riding, stick to your line, and let the passing be figured out by the guy doing it. It's never ok to share the lane space; even a good gust of wind could tag handle bars
Not trying to be rude, but that's really poor advice. The only COMMON knowledge people can rely on is traffic laws, which are better understood when driving than guessing what someone "courteous" would do. Like racing on a track, or regular riding, stick to your line, and let the passing be figured out by the guy doing it. It's never ok to share the lane space; even a good gust of wind could tag handle bars

The point is taken, but practically, I've been waved by by riders who've moved over on two-lane roads and I've always appreciated it, and I've always given them adequate space when passing. I do the same and I always get the wave of acknowledgement when others passed. As long as the signal and the intent is clear, the pass can be safe. California riders (and drivers) are way more polite and courteous to motorcyclists in this regard. When we ride the twisties there, it's almost guaranteed that a slower rider or driver will pull over for you and your group.

If you want to stick by the Highway Traffic Act, you are legally entitled to it. Personally, I'm not going to blow by you in your lane if I am uninvited. Just asking for some courtesy, that's all.
3 seconds in a blind corner is uncomfortable enough for me.

Worse yet are the idiots who will race me when the dotted yellow comes up, then proceed to park it in the first curve.

My god yes and I hate that. I was on a little burgma 400 this weekend on hwy 118 and I guess all the other bikes figured they didn't want to behind a scooter even though I was going as fast as them. They would pass me, do the same speed I was and the hit the brakes and tip toe around the corners. I eventually passed them and got back to a normal pace. Before you know it the road goes straight again and they pass me and the whole thing repeats again. Why?

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I was in full dress uniform (ATTGATT underneath), coming from a funeral on Saturday and had a (insert expletive) on a cruiser do the 'ol passing in the same lane trick. Bravo, pinhead. Be forewarned though. The next rider you pass like that may not be aware of your approach and it has the potential to cost you both dearly. One does everything they can to mitigate risk and you unexpectedly have to deal with other riders. Rant off! Just be situationally aware at all times.
This happened to me on two occasions and it is quite startling, had a 999 go by me on Bloomington in my lane and he was going at least 50 km/ph faster than I was. almost blew me off the road. The second occasion was on my way home from my only trip to dover, when a guy with his cow on board his Road King split our group of three stagered bikes. Thought we would cath him at the lights in Haggersville but he just went past all at the light in the on-coming lane of more bikes.

These are the riders that give us the rep.

:laughing8: :lmao:
Twisty road + a staggered group of 5+ riders = an uncomfortably long time on the other side of a double yellow

Curves are few and far between on Ontario roads, by the time the dotted yellow comes around, the road is as straight as... well, an Ontario road...

That's when I pull over and wait, or do some impossibly low speed.
That's when I pull over and wait, or do some impossibly low speed.

Yep. That, and turn around, do the same road again.

They're all options. But it's always nice when you meet someone courteous on the roads, that doesn't have the "No f-ing way you're getting around me, buddy" mentality.

But what was I thinking? Courtesy? This is Ontario...
Yep. That, and turn around, do the same road again.

They're all options. But it's always nice when you meet someone courteous on the roads, that doesn't have the "No f-ing way you're getting around me, buddy" mentality.

But what was I thinking? Courtesy? This is Ontario...

Like someone else said, it works both ways. In the groups rides, that I used to take part in, we'd make room as the other rider worked his way up by passing. If he could only safely make it to the halfway point, then he was given a place to pull in while oncoming traffic passed.
I have to agree with Lightcycle on this one.

Yes don't pass someone in their own lane, unless you are invited to do so.

However, if you are riding or driving or whatever, and you see someone is trying to get around you, WHY NOT MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM?

I have done it on many occasions. A motorcyclist comes up.... I move over and wave him through. It's not hard. I don't get any complexes by having people ride/drive faster than me. Even when I am in my car..... I try to make it easy.

California is quite good with respect to this. The best place for motorcyclist courtesy (that I have been to) is southern France. Wow.... cars, trucks whatever.... they move over to the point of absurdity to help you out. Guys on bikes will wave cars through and vice versa. You will find the odd dude in Northern Ontario that will pull over into the shoulder and let you ride past. They must be from a different era, because it doesn't happen often anymore.
I've been finding more bad riders than bad drivers this year. The sense of entitlement is incredible. Whether riding in herds and blocking traffic or slicing past in the same lane or doing the light speed in the straights and slow poke speed in the curves there are some very annoying riders out there.
I've been finding more bad riders than bad drivers this year. The sense of entitlement is incredible. Whether riding in herds and blocking traffic or slicing past in the same lane or doing the light speed in the straights and slow poke speed in the curves there are some very annoying riders out there.

I was on the Blueridge Parkway in a dinky little Corolla auto to top it off.... and I caught up to a HUGE group of cruiser riders that were going WELL UNDER... we're talking 10-15mph the speed limit. No way I could pass them.... heck I couldn't even see the front of the pack. I was lucky they pulled into a lookout. These dudes were going so so slow around corners that it looked scary.
Then you have changed your position. you wre being critical of the OP and others when they had stated quite clearly that they had been almost blown off their bikes. Heck, we are not all expert riders like you.

Of course it does. My courtesy, as I mentioned before, is that I am not passing you in your lane if I am not invited.
Then you have changed your position. you wre being critical of the OP and others when they had stated quite clearly that they had been almost blown off their bikes. Heck, we are not all expert riders like you.

Please quote exactly where I state the above.

Or stop putting words in my mouth.

Either one is good...

Edit: I'll give you a head start. You can begin by using this quote:

Personally, I'm not going to blow by you in your lane if I am uninvited. Just asking for some courtesy, that's all.
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