Good discussion. It's important to hear how we are doing. It's not an easy task.
Thanks all.
I can appreciate how much work it is to moderate a forum. Years ago I volunteered as a mod on a Network 54 Kids Hockey forum -- it was a gong show. We had great tools, I could track posters by IP or login, get notifications when certain bad apples were posted or online, and set alerts based on threads, posters, and keywords.
A daunting task, I ended my volunteering after a few months.
For this forum, I'd do the following:
1) Decide whether this is a
Subject Matter forum about Motorcycles or a
Community forum for Motorcyclists. I suspect it's going to be the latter as there isn't enough subject matter on Motorcycles to keep the forum going.
2) Review the ground rules, and revise if necessary. The existing rules are fine, but a bit vague, probably by design. I would say that most topics sent to Trash are not a clear violation of TOS. I'd review the last 20 Trashed threads against the existing TOS, then try to form a reasonable argument as to which of the terms was violated. It that proves difficult, you have a disconnect to between moderation and TOS. I suspect it will be difficult.
I like the phrase: "For further clarity, ..."
3) If the discussion is wandering into dangerous territory, fire a warning shot, or zero out the content of an offending post before killing the discussion.
My 2 cents.