Those rural "bike lanes" are fine for mountain or city bikes. With the dirt, stones, and glass that accumulates in them, unless they're cleaned on a regular basis they're unrideable on a road bike with 23mm wide slicks inflated at 120 psi.
Yeah, that drives me nuts, especially in my work truck which is neither nimble enough nor narrow enough to safely pass a bicyclist without a healthy portion of the oncoming traffic lane...which means it can sometimes take an extended period of time for me to find an opportunity (and gain the required speed/momentum) to safety achieve the pass...only to have the dolt fumble up the side of my trailer and tractor at the next stop light so I have to do it all over again.
Hate to have to say it, but it's infuriated me enough times that I've actually taken to rubbing my tires up against the curb when I expect it to happen so that they CAN'T do it. I cannot deal with trying to get around you again after every freakin' red light without fear of you ending up impacted inside one of my sets of duals.
And of course, since the rules don't apply to bicyclists, when trying these blocking maneuvers (for their own damned safety) I've had them come up my drivers side instead to pass me, as well as just hop up onto the sidewalk and do it that way instead. Because just stopping in the line of traffic where they happen to be at that moment the light turns red is apparently impossible?
Cyclists do themselves their own biggest disservice doing crap like this.
If a bike is beating you light to light you might want to learn to optimize your acceleration. What's the point of passing the bike just to wait at another red?
In downtown traffic, even a passenger car might be in the same situation. Bicycles get thru pretty quick...and then get stuck at red lights.
You try driving 80,000# of truck through the city. Our reality is different because of things like horsepower, weight, and momentum, and just deciding to poke along behind a bicyclist isn't really an option so yeah, kinda gotta pass them.
And traffic lights tend to be unpredictable like that.
I'm not sure what you're suggesting as an alternative, unless you're one of those people who thinks that we can accelerate like a passenger car.
I am cyclist, motorcyclist and driver. Ride a bicycle one morning from the south end of Yonge to York Mills and you'll see that we need a crack down on distracted car drivers way more than we need a crack down on cyclists. Cyclists and motorcyclists should put aside the bad apples and work together to improve safety for both.
He posted on his Insta account that the cop in all the news segments is the one that pulled him over in his Benz. He said the officer was good with him and (iirc) stated it would only be fines to be paid.The rider was charged.
I was expecting to read that he was caught again, wrong. You'd think police would have better things to do with their time but I guess not.
The rider was charged.
I was expecting to read that he was caught again, wrong. You'd think police would have better things to do with their time but I guess not.
My guess it was because he thumbed his nose at the police. They were ****** at someone challenging their authoritay.
22 unsolved homicides in Toronto so far this year........but they got the guy doing wheelies on his bicycles.
No laws should be enforced until all homicides are solved! Or something like that.
No laws should be enforced until all homicides are solved! Or something like that.