Tire changers/set ups

sorry, I thought you were purchasing from no mar etc.

I'm still weighing my options... I first read about the product on No-Mar's website where they have a link to Blueline racing... However, the BL price is higher even with taking the exchange rate into account. London is also a longer drive than Niagara falls (I also go down that way anyway every couple of weeks)
Another option is to look for a second hand unit, which is proving to be fruitless... Lol
There's also a couple of other viable options available from Europe... (Germany and Poland) which I'm considering...
max2h.eu sells a balance fixture and changer together for 300 eros which is about $466Cdn. (Might be 19% less as I think they deduct VAT on foreign orders)
'Waiting to get confirmation on shipping cost.
I'm still weighing my options... I first read about the product on No-Mar's website where they have a link to Blueline racing... However, the BL price is higher even with taking the exchange rate into account. London is also a longer drive than Niagara falls (I also go down that way anyway every couple of weeks)
Another option is to look for a second hand unit, which is proving to be fruitless... Lol
There's also a couple of other viable options available from Europe... (Germany and Poland) which I'm considering...
max2h.eu sells a balance fixture and changer together for 300 eros which is about $466Cdn. (Might be 19% less as I think they deduct VAT on foreign orders)
'Waiting to get confirmation on shipping cost.

gotcha, I think I was leaning towards ordering from no mar when I was looking at them last week as well, but just delivering here.
There is a guy on adv that bought the max2h one. Works ok, but it does not mount onto anything which makes it less than stable, but overall he liked it.


I just want to change them standing upright, looks like the nomar does that...the hitch mount option is attractive as well.
Hack, I strongly suggest you get the NoMar, you won’t be dissappointed. You can use that thing all day long and never wear it out. Get your buddies to kick in a $100 each in exchange for lifetime tire changes.I don’t use mine as much as I use to but I can’t count how many tires I did for friends the first two summers I had it.
gotcha, I think I was leaning towards ordering from no mar when I was looking at them last week as well, but just delivering here.
There is a guy on adv that bought the max2h one. Works ok, but it does not mount onto anything which makes it less than stable, but overall he liked it.


I just want to change them standing upright, looks like the nomar does that...the hitch mount option is attractive as well.

The Max2h can be mounted... it's pre-drilled. You'd just need something to bolt it to.
Hack, I strongly suggest you get the NoMar, you won’t be dissappointed. You can use that thing all day long and never wear it out. Get your buddies to kick in a $100 each in exchange for lifetime tire changes.I don’t use mine as much as I use to but I can’t count how many tires I did for friends the first two summers I had it.

Yes..... Stop making sense Lol.
You're right. The No Mar is the best overall option... But it's fun to explore what else is out there.
Well, 'dropped the hammer on the Nomar.
Riding buddy chipped some dough in so we'll share.
The current max2h product can't do a 21" wheel which is what my BMW riding friend has.. They're coming out with a new version at the end of march that will do larger rims, but... I think the Nomar is better suited.
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Well, 'dropped the hammer on the Nomar.
Riding buddy chipped some dough in so we'll share.
The current max2h product can't do a 21" wheel which is what my BMW riding friend has.. They're coming out with a new version at the end of march that will do larger rims, but... I think the Nomar is better suited.
Congratulations! Make sure you watch the instructional videos and your first tire changes will go much easier.Pay close attention to where to lube the tire and rim.Also look at where the bead of the tire should be on the opposite side of where you are working the tire with the mounting bar,it needs to be in the center or the “valley” of the rim.Not super critical when doing sport bike tires but will make all the difference in the world when doing stiffer touring or cruiser tires.I secured my nomar to my concrete garage floor with four 1/4”x2” tapcons(3/16” Pilot hole) with four fender washers and it worked fine,don’t really need 3/8” anchors. Let us know how your first change goes!
Went to Niagara Falls today to pick up a few packages... This was one of 'em


'Took two days for FedEx to deliver from NoMAr to Niagara Falls. Everything went together with zero issues.
Assembled in about 30 min.
I'll find a good spot to park it and bolt it to the floor before trying it out
For anyone else interested I’ll be selling my NoMar Classic. It’s about ten years old but still works perfectly. I also have a static balancer.

I only have the hitch mount, not the floor mount. Located in London.

PM me for info.
Hack did you get a balancer too?
Listen, I worked for a popular motorcycle training program for 20 years.
Also as the mechanic. I changed at least 40 tires a year with them.
When it came to doing my own street bike, it would have been a breeze.
However, I believe it is better left to a professional with professional tools.
I don't have a balancer, and I don't have a compressor that will properly seat the bead.

Why not bring it to Rosey Toes and have piece of mind. He has never scratched any of my rims over the past 15 years.
Listen, I worked for a popular motorcycle training program for 20 years.
Also as the mechanic. I changed at least 40 tires a year with them.
When it came to doing my own street bike, it would have been a breeze.
However, I believe it is better left to a professional with professional tools.
I don't have a balancer, and I don't have a compressor that will properly seat the bead.

Why not bring it to Rosey Toes and have piece of mind. He has never scratched any of my rims over the past 15 years.

I have a tendency towards independence an self reliance.
'Been disappointed too many times by many a so called professional. I'm sure there are competent pros out there, But I'm not willing to spend my time on that unicorn hunt.
I have a compressor.
Its nice convenience to be able to do your own tires. This way you can run the tire down and not have to make appointments to arrange to get it done, or if its a rainy day and the tire is almost at end of life change it then while waiting for sun to come out.
Ive probably done 200 tire changes with mine... it has definitely paid for itself vs paying a shop to do it.
Its nice convenience to be able to do your own tires. This way you can run the tire down and not have to make appointments to arrange to get it done, or if its a rainy day and the tire is almost at end of life change it then while waiting for sun to come out.

My rational exactly.
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