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don't follow the cookie cutter material from all those crappy books

girls know what those books preach. they get bombarded with it every day
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Lol.... No Game eh?

.........Lols. I'm not going to post my entire convos. I'm just giving you guys some bate to open/close. mid game is where most guys drop the ball. Thats all you

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While I laud any and all attempts to crush sock puppets' spirit I fear it will prove an up hill battle.
Taking advice on women (not that I've seen any women posted, yet) from someone who a) has to schedule their breakfast b) needs an hour to eat it is laughable.

my timetable is what i do from morning-night. student life. im almost organized. . with no direction is chaos.

my hour to eat breakfast is to get in my muscle building foods and digest, then im supposed to hit the gym from 11-1. get to the gym, lift, come home, shower, eat then go to the next task on my sched.

this week has been a fold tho. gtam, tinder and mixing killed a lot of time this week
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80K+ views on this thread and Ihaven't seen 1 post of real Game.
If you think you can do something better, what are you waiting for? show us. I'm self taught
I already won! Picked up myself a nice girl if you missed my post. I don't need to dump her & get a next one. I am already content
i must be interacting with the senior daytime crowd, cause what I'm posting is solid. It's under the radar. It's like a heads up poker game
i must be interacting with the senior daytime crowd, cause what I'm posting is solid. It's under the radar. It's like a heads up poker game

What you're posting is more a transient's guide to the bimbo universe. No doubt it's working for you, but I personally prefer my women with a brain and ounce of common sense... but please do continue; your personal progression is a marvel to us all :cool:
You by chance haven't given this a listen have you?
I got all the hits, such as: It's the Womens Fault; Burlesque Show; and the pièces de résistance... Spanish Fly.
I think you'll like it ;)

i must be interacting with the senior daytime crowd, cause what I'm posting is solid. It's under the radar. It's like a heads up poker game
That's cause you don't need game. Just be yourself, enjoy your life, enjoy your friends. Being a "playa" is so fake. Then again, so are the girls you're getting.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
What you're posting is more a transient's guide to the bimbo universe. No doubt it's working for you, but I personally prefer my women with a brain and ounce of common sense... but please do continue; your personal progression is a marvel to us all :cool:

lol +1 on the properly installed brain
negative. all the girls im typing to are university educated. i know what you mean tho. some girls are just book smart and thats it
negative. all the girls im typing to are university educated. i know what you mean tho. some girls are just book smart and thats it
Just because they are educated doesn't mean they have class. I have met medical students who behaves like that. They're not mutually exclusive
Just because they are educated doesn't mean they have class. I have met medical students who behaves like that. They're not mutually exclusive


Going to university or even passing/graduating doesn't really say much these days imo.

Going to university or even passing/graduating doesn't really say much these days imo.
Good find
She looks like a young Elizabeth Taylor and you know how that played. Better hop on it soon.
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