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You're the one talking **** about Roasted?! How delusional are you? Your posts sounded like they were written from under a pile of stuffed dolls as you take breaks from writing in your diary.


You certainly have some very odd replies for a male.
You reference sewing clubs and now something about under a pile of stuffed dolls in a closet and writing a diary.
male says=sewing club, dolls, diary
uhm trying to let the world know something???????????????
You certainly have some very odd replies for a male.
You reference sewing clubs and now something about under a pile of stuffed dolls in a closet and writing a diary.
male says=sewing club, dolls, diary
uhm trying to let the world know something???????????????

You sound like the kind of dude that secretly takes it up the *** from dudes. I don't think I've ever seen someone that tries so hard to prove how manly he is at every turn. Compensating? I'm guessing you're one of those bear types with a hairy chest and beard. Let me guess.... You ride a harley and drive an F150? When the wife goes to bed you boot up the gay porn and fantasize about wearing a pair of stockings while some dude has his way with you and calls you a sissy. It's alright man, as long as you keep talking the way you do and proving your manliness at every turn Noone will suspect a thing. ;)
油井緋色;2270096 said:
Actually, my original posts were taking a stab at someone I knew who reads these forums...frankly because I felt a ton of anger at the time but did not want to engage in an actual conversation with her; that would simply lead to arguments and invoke emotions I don't want to deal with (aka. rage)

The rest of my posts had more to do with things I've found while dating and trying things differently; we can't all be Casanova like you, women would have nothing to look forward to then.
ANd than there was you.......where do I even start? I dare you, in fact, I double dare you, to search through all your previous posts in this thread and show me one original thought that you posted. You're basically a yes man, to the mob. You're like that kid in elementary school that always got picked last in every sport and game and would have gotten his *** beat by all the other kids but you got lucky. Yeah, cause there was that one poor gay kid that all the kids hated more and picked on instead. So you joined in on the bullying just to fit in and chanted taunts at him like the big kids while counting your lucky stars that the gay kid is there, cause if he wasn't, you'd be the one getting daily beatings.

So you posted in this thread HOPING that some girl that you don't have the balls to express your feelings to directly would read it? I mean, I don't think I've ever heard anything so pathetic. Good luck with your life goals.

Anyways, I wasn't going to post in this thread cause I don't care if i'm insulted. I can take it but the fact that there are people here that are defending me and they are now getting ripped on made me decide to post.
You sound like the kind of dude that secretly takes it up the *** from dudes. I don't think I've ever seen someone that tries so hard to prove how manly he is at every turn. Compensating? I'm guessing you're one of those bear types with a hairy chest and beard. Let me guess.... You ride a harley and drive an F150? When the wife goes to bed you boot up the gay porn and fantasize about wearing a pair of stockings while some dude has his way with you and calls you a sissy. It's alright man, as long as you keep talking the way you do and proving your manliness at every turn Noone will suspect a thing. ;)


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ANd than there was you.......where do I even start? I dare you, in fact, I double dare you, to search through all your previous posts in this thread and show me one original thought that you posted. You're basically a yes man, to the mob. You're like that kid in elementary school that always got picked last in every sport and game and would have gotten his *** beat by all the other kids but you got lucky. Yeah, cause there was that one poor gay kid that all the kids hated more and picked on instead. So you joined in on the bullying just to fit in and chanted taunts at him like the big kids while counting your lucky stars that the gay kid is there, cause if he wasn't, you'd be the one getting daily beatings.

So you posted in this thread HOPING that some girl that you don't have the balls to express your feelings to directly would read it? I mean, I don't think I've ever heard anything so pathetic. Good luck with your life goals.

Anyways, I wasn't going to post in this thread cause I don't care if i'm insulted. I can take it but the fact that there are people here that are defending me and they are now getting ripped on made me decide to post.

And...Burn! Lol

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ANd than there was you.......where do I even start? I dare you, in fact, I double dare you, to search through all your previous posts in this thread and show me one original thought that you posted. You're basically a yes man, to the mob. You're like that kid in elementary school that always got picked last in every sport and game and would have gotten his *** beat by all the other kids but you got lucky. Yeah, cause there was that one poor gay kid that all the kids hated more and picked on instead. So you joined in on the bullying just to fit in and chanted taunts at him like the big kids while counting your lucky stars that the gay kid is there, cause if he wasn't, you'd be the one getting daily beatings.

So you posted in this thread HOPING that some girl that you don't have the balls to express your feelings to directly would read it?

Anyways, I wasn't going to post in this thread cause I don't care if i'm insulted. I can take it but the fact that there are people here that are defending me and they are now getting ripped on made me decide to post.

I was the kid that got picked on in elementary school. I had my lunch money stolen, balls thrown at my face, and *** kicked. Hell, my cell phone even got jacked at one point in high school. Guess what? I learned and got up. I've also got no problem admitting my mistakes and not repeating them.

I know you can't say the same; you can't even admit your problems to a bunch of unknowns on an internet forum.
Keep trying...its actually funny how defensive you get when someone says something back to you.

I'm secure in my masculinity, while others overcompensate.

You certainly have some very odd replies for a male.
You reference sewing clubs and now something about under a pile of stuffed dolls in a closet and writing a diary.
male says=sewing club, dolls, diary
uhm trying to let the world know something???????????????
You sound like the kind of dude that secretly takes it up the *** from dudes. I don't think I've ever seen someone that tries so hard to prove how manly he is at every turn. Compensating? I'm guessing you're one of those bear types with a hairy chest and beard. Let me guess.... You ride a harley and drive an F150? When the wife goes to bed you boot up the gay porn and fantasize about wearing a pair of stockings while some dude has his way with you and calls you a sissy. It's alright man, as long as you keep talking the way you do and proving your manliness at every turn Noone will suspect a thing. ;)

ANd than there was you.......where do I even start? I dare you, in fact, I double dare you, to search through all your previous posts in this thread and show me one original thought that you posted. You're basically a yes man, to the mob. You're like that kid in elementary school that always got picked last in every sport and game and would have gotten his *** beat by all the other kids but you got lucky. Yeah, cause there was that one poor gay kid that all the kids hated more and picked on instead. So you joined in on the bullying just to fit in and chanted taunts at him like the big kids while counting your lucky stars that the gay kid is there, cause if he wasn't, you'd be the one getting daily beatings.

So you posted in this thread HOPING that some girl that you don't have the balls to express your feelings to directly would read it? I mean, I don't think I've ever heard anything so pathetic. Good luck with your life goals.

Anyways, I wasn't going to post in this thread cause I don't care if i'm insulted. I can take it but the fact that there are people here that are defending me and they are now getting ripped on made me decide to post.

Bwahahaha this is like that bad date where Roasted decided to act like an a** towards the end just because he was so bored and didn't give a s***. This thread has reached that point.
油井緋色;2270410 said:
I was the kid that got picked on in elementary school. I had my lunch money stolen, balls thrown at my face, and *** kicked. Hell, my cell phone even got jacked at one point in high school. Guess what? I learned and got up. I've also got no problem admitting my mistakes and not repeating them.

I know you can't say the same; you can't even admit your problems to a bunch of unknowns on an internet forum.
Sorry, forgot to add.....to the girl that this dude was trying to "piss off" with his posts......PM me if you wanna chat....especially if you're cute. ;)
You sound like the kind of dude that secretly takes it up the *** from dudes. I don't think I've ever seen someone that tries so hard to prove how manly he is at every turn. Compensating? I'm guessing you're one of those bear types with a hairy chest and beard. Let me guess.... You ride a harley and drive an F150? When the wife goes to bed you boot up the gay porn and fantasize about wearing a pair of stockings while some dude has his way with you and calls you a sissy. It's alright man, as long as you keep talking the way you do and proving your manliness at every turn Noone will suspect a thing. ;)

Wow! You know a lot about gay stuff.

btw- the ppl reading this that know who I am, are laughing their heads off at you.
You are coming across as desperate brah!

damn, can't wait to hear what kinda ultra gay dude Sonny is then.:lmao:

Please do show me where I am trying to prove myself says the guy posting about his dating life, physique, looks, personality,car etc...
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Sorry, forgot to add.....to the girl that this dude was trying to "piss off" with his posts......PM me if you wanna chat....especially if you're cute. ;)

Hey 油井緋色

Send her Roasted contact info.:lmao:
This should be good, a whole new thread. Oh the joy of reading what may be.
Oh look over there everyone...they are launching the Titanic.
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Keep trying...its actually funny how defensive you get when someone says something back to you.

I'm secure in my masculinity, while others overcompensate.

No need to try, your comprehension is lacking.
You hurled a these feminine based insults and I simply compiled them to ask you why do you know so much about these items to use them as reference points. In all my years, I have never heard a guy talk about a sewing club, stuffed dolls, and keeping a diary :lmao:

btw- in your reply you are rationalizing yourself:lmao: secure people don't need to tell the world they are secure then deflect:lmao:

it's cute to see you sticking up for Roasted.
Bwahahaha this is like that bad date where Roasted decided to act like an a** towards the end just because he was so bored and didn't give a s***. This thread has reached that point.

good point, that's a sign of immaturity, let me make an *** out of myself because this girl is not interesting or boring
hey kids, when things don't go your way, jump up and down and act like a clown

I can see why he has a hard time finding smart women...uhm clue #1 they don't find him smart therefore they avoid him
he posted about a smart girl but there was no sexual chemistry from her...uhm because you did not stimulate her mind???

dude is taking this stuff personal
at least he has backup from RedLiner:lmao:
You hurled a these feminine based insults and I simply compiled them to ask you why do you know so much about these items to use them as reference points. In all my years, I have never heard a guy talk about a sewing club, stuffed dolls, and keeping a diary :lmao:
in your reply you are rationalizing yourself:lmao: secure people don't need to tell the world they are secure
Da fuq this thread has come to?

I stepped away for a day or two & instead of this thread about dating girls it's about grown up dudes ripping each other.

Btw why hasn't rutakin come to Roasted's rescue?
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Value added bonus rounds:love9:
Why can't we all just get along?
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