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Weirdest date I've ever been on....by far. No I didn't get laid. It was pretty much the complete opposite of what you'd expect from a "Tinder date". Girl showed up covered up as hell even though she had a smoking body (she's middle eastern and grew up there so maybe it's a cultural thing), she was also one of the smartest women I have ever met, she's does the same thing as me for a living, she lifts, talked my ear off, blew me away with how smart and analytically she was, but she seemed kinda emotionally........dead or something. Basically it was like going on a date with a female version of myself. Am I this exhausting to talk to? She impressed me with how smart she was and was very interesting to talk to but there was like zero sexual tension and/or real chemistry. At the same time I'm kinda fascinated by her.......so no ****ing idea what to do about this one.
I thought guys think with their dick?

If this doesn't work out there are always other options for you.
Weirdest date I've ever been on....by far. No I didn't get laid. It was pretty much the complete opposite of what you'd expect from a "Tinder date". Girl showed up covered up as hell even though she had a smoking body (she's middle eastern and grew up there so maybe it's a cultural thing), she was also one of the smartest women I have ever met, she's does the same thing as me for a living, she lifts, talked my ear off, blew me away with how smart and analytically she was, but she seemed kinda emotionally........dead or something. Basically it was like going on a date with a female version of myself. Am I this exhausting to talk to? She impressed me with how smart she was and was very interesting to talk to but there was like zero sexual tension and/or real chemistry. At the same time I'm kinda fascinated by her.......so no ****ing idea what to do about this one.

who paid for dinner?

you do know some women use dating type sites for free meals etc...

you are in the friends zone with her
I think she would rape any of us. Probably has a big penis than madingo.
Roasted has a "hard on" for women like that.
Pun intended
something about her that strikes me that she has deep jealousy issues
you might wake up with a barbell to your head :(
Kinda how Jeffrey Dahmer died. Kinda sets my mood for today
It honestly baffles me how clueless most people are about fitness and body compositiom. If that chick ate a burger a day for two weeks she'd probably go up about 3-4% bf and you guys would be drooling over her body and talking about how you'd hit it, but because she spent a few weeks dieting for a comp and is probably around 10% she suddenly looks like a man and it must be steroids and she has a dick. I guarantee you that she only looks like that for maybe 1 month of the year. And if you think you need juice to get that physique then LOL @ you.

It's like that old fart at my gym that says I'm not in shape like I used to be (when I was ~6-7% bf). Yeah buddy, I just set a deadlift PR of 515 lbs and I'm 5 lbs from the heaviest I've ever been at barely around 15% bf but I'm out of shape cause I'm not super lean.... Which by the way is VERY easy for me to do cause I have the metabolism of a teenage boy.

No wonder people are impressed by skinny kids with abs if their only measure of fitness is body fat percentage.
It honestly baffles me how clueless most people are about fitness and body compositiom. If that chick ate a burger a day for two weeks she'd probably go up about 3-4% bf and you guys would be drooling over her body and talking about how you'd hit it, but because she spent a few weeks dieting for a comp and is probably around 10% she suddenly looks like a man and it must be steroids and she has a dick. I guarantee you that she only looks like that for maybe 1 month of the year. And if you think you need juice to get that physique then LOL @ you.

It's like that old fart at my gym that says I'm not in shape like I used to be (when I was ~6-7% bf). Yeah buddy, I just set a deadlift PR of 515 lbs and I'm 5 lbs from the heaviest I've ever been at barely around 15% bf but I'm out of shape cause I'm not super lean.... Which by the way is VERY easy for me to do cause I have the metabolism of a teenage boy.

No wonder people are impressed by skinny kids with abs if their only measure of fitness is body fat percentage.
You gotta take into perspective who the comments come from. For a fat dude, who's only exercise is walking to the fridge that might be steroid body.

If you were to ask me I'd still hit it & I'm not into muscular chicks
It honestly baffles me how clueless most people are about fitness and body compositiom. If that chick ate a burger a day for two weeks she'd probably go up about 3-4% bf and you guys would be drooling over her body and talking about how you'd hit it, but because she spent a few weeks dieting for a comp and is probably around 10% she suddenly looks like a man and it must be steroids and she has a dick. I guarantee you that she only looks like that for maybe 1 month of the year. And if you think you need juice to get that physique then LOL @ you.

It's like that old fart at my gym that says I'm not in shape like I used to be (when I was ~6-7% bf). Yeah buddy, I just set a deadlift PR of 515 lbs and I'm 5 lbs from the heaviest I've ever been at barely around 15% bf but I'm out of shape cause I'm not super lean.... Which by the way is VERY easy for me to do cause I have the metabolism of a teenage boy.

No wonder people are impressed by skinny kids with abs if their only measure of fitness is body fat percentage.

Bro, do you even

Kid must be injecting at least 2 grams of test a week, 40+ units of GH and probably a side of Tren to get that yoked.

I have the same physique as that kid. I'm going to say it was the Mickey D's.
Wish I could rock the unitard singlet like that.
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