Tinder App

must be love!

I have meet Roasted a few years ago, I am no homo but I can say he is a fairly athletic guy and can fall on the good-looking category but his sister is Wayyyyy hotter :agave:

They both seemed like good people!

They are both there, not going to point them out

Is his sister the hot blonde?

Dude on the left looks ready to party

Must be the new guy ;)
A girl tricked me with a pic like that once, i went against my better judgement and it was more of a dare from friends. My rear shock needed a rebuild after I took her for a ride.... good luck but I learned my lesson.
A girl tricked me with a pic like that once, i went against my better judgement and it was more of a dare from friends. My rear shock needed a rebuild after I took her for a ride.... good luck but I learned my lesson.
If I need to adjust the shocks she ain't coming on my bike.

You must be a strong dude to hold up the bike at a light
You do not put your dick in crazy :cool:
Guys, just swipe right for everyone without looking! Then, you only waste your time with the ones who have swiped right for you.

I go through phases where I use it and I don't. My old boss was ugly as **** and had women over all the time from it. I think that with all the time you put in swiping, chatting, etc. you might as well just go talk to someone in real life. I also have a theory that anyone who has their instagram link is a waste of time.

I forgot to add that it's wicked if you work at a bar or when you're in busy place and bored (like malls or events you don't really care to be at). My co-worker and I would swipe a ******** on our break or before we start our shift and just use it as funny conversation when they came up to us. The funniest thing about it was that I actually never looked when I was swiping...so half of them would be unpleasant surprises hahaha.
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Might be a keeper
What you guys thunk?

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