Allright... bought the braided sleeve from PA. What a pain in the butt. As soon as you cut it it starts fraying at the end and splits apart. So either way I had to tape it.
Over all this was a pain project. The kit didn't include wires for the grounds to the lights, just 1 wire to each light. Just dumb. The extra wiring harness I bought was mesasure by someone with a crooked eye the split to each light was waaaaay off. The chrome brackets have started to peal. The brackets themselves don't clamp as well as they should. And the zip ties supplied don't even fit around the crash bars.
Anyhow it is all done.
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Electrically I tied everything into an accessory plug under the seat. Originally the instructions included tying into the battery, but tapping into the accessory plug turns on the lights with the rest of the system. Much better. I may not have needed the relay or the fuse with the wiring kit but left them in anyway.
The crash covers are a bit creased at the lights not so bad. Just have to see how these lights work and may have to do some positional adjustments.