Thursday Sept 13th - One of our hottest members is injured.

Get well soon Charlie. Please let us know if we can do anything to help Agave.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Please excuse my typos as I'm writing this on my BB after taking my 15 pills of various meds.

Had a random freak accident that saw me drop over a 5 foot ledge where the bike landed on me. I hit the ground on my back, could barely breath but my toes were moving. Was rush to the hospital where they ran various tests. Ended up with all but 2 vertbrae in my back broken, vrokem sternum, 5 broken ribs and a punctured lung. Hospital was so busy I didn't get my surgery until Saturday.

They took out 1 chest drainage tube today, tomorrow the other one's supposd to go. Still on oxygen because my blood isn't quite where it needs to be. Lots of pain killers which make me sleepy but I've been up walking arouund doing donuts at the urses station in the fabulous outfits they supply. Only been mooned once by an old guy and no I didn't return tthe favor.

Drugs making me too shakey to type more. Thanks again to everyone.
To the rest of the clubhouse, we'll talk in a few days when the world doesn't look like an acid painting.
WOW... "Ended up with all but 2 vertbrae in my back broken, vrokem sternum, 5 broken ribs and a punctured lung".... "but I've been up walking arouund!"

Wonder ****ing woman! Wishing you a full recovery!
Glad your doing better sweetie! Let us know if you need anything and hurry up with the healing.. The clubhouse is lonely without you!! :)

Oh man, incredible that you can write to us so soon:) Please let us know if you need anything.
if anyone knows what hospital she is at lets send her some flowers :) i dont know her but, what a trooper! get well and GOS bless.
if anyone knows what hospital she is at lets send her some flowers :) i dont know her but, what a trooper! get well and GOS bless.

Gonna take a guess and say sunnybrook. With a multi trauma like that.

Walking around? Amazing! Get well soon.

Yeah man. We dont mess around in hospital. I work on a NeuroSurgery floor, see some intense stuff here. I get people up Post Op Day #1!!!!.. Sure, I get thrown up on and have people faint on me on a regular basis!.. But its all goooood! lol.
GWS! Glad you're ok enough to type. But seriously, next time the old dude moons you, you should have the basic decency to reciprocate his selfless act :cool:
Good grief. GWS, let us know what you need
Just spoke to Charly on the phone, sounded great, she's tougher than your mother in laws roastbeef!
It seems they replaced her spine with Bionics. Just like the six million dollar man.

"Charly Rider, daredevil, a woman barely alive...
Gentlemen, we can rebuild her, we have the technology,
We have the capability to make the worlds first bionic woman...
Charly Rider will be that woman, better than she was before, better, stronger, faster..... "
> Cue dramatic Bionic music. <
All the best and get well soon. I don't know her/you but somehow wish I did :)
We waited and waited for you and you never came, and your excuse is a few broken ribs and some vertebrae ??. You have some explaining to do young lady..... ;-)

GWS honey... Recovery party at my new house basement :-)
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