Thursday night at Leslie and Lake shore tims.

People were doing ****** burn-outs all over the place. Some in front of incoming cars. I'm surprised the cops weren't called to shut it down.

Ps. if u are doing a burnout do a proper one, don't embarrass yourself

just don't do it plz. the burned tires smell really bad and i'm sure it's toxic and pollutive. I would need a gas mask to be around.
to this day, I have never been to a L/L meet.

The glory days are over, now it's just a Jerry Springer Gong Show.
I've been going since it first started in 2006. Started small with a handful of locals. It was really chill back then, we just wanted a place to hang with friends and meet new ones every week. And we picked up after ourselves. Then word got out and it outgrew the Tim's lot and we poured into the PC lot. Then the cruiser crowd started coming in. Well it's 10x as big now as it first started but something's gotta give eventually.
It was really chill back then, we just wanted a place to hang with friends and meet new ones every week.

I can't speak for anybody else but that's exactly why i go there almost every week, well, with a bonus of seeing some awesome bikes. Most of GTAMers that i have met so far are really chill and nice.
I don't think you have actually seen the bins. LOL
just don't do it plz. the burned tires smell really bad and i'm sure it's toxic and pollutive. I would need a gas mask to be around.
Next week I'll show up with a beanie helmet and a gasmask.
Which one are we suppose to use for the Goat ... remains?
It's funny I rode by there yesterday around 10pm but just decided to keep on riding instead of stopping by...
Yeah i heard about the goat afterwards i didnt see it! All i could remember was that disaster with the 4 bikes doing a domino!!!!
Showed up, checked out bikes, had a coffee, noticed guys in "Ruff Riders" vests, Left...
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