Hey all!
My CBR125 is away for the winter - now I am looking at options to upgrade to something a little bigger / more versatile while still hopefully keeping my insurance low next spring.
Been debating on a few bikes, but the cb500f seems like the best option just from lurking online at low displacement nakeds when looking at price and reliability.
Still need to quote out insurance but seems there's not much point in doing that months in advance since rates may change and quotes are only good for 30 days I believe? Regardless, I am hoping since the 500 is not an "r" and still relatively low displacement, I can get a good rate. Hopefully. I imagine 1 year experience won't do S*** to lower my rate.
Anyone on here have any personal experience with the bike that would be worth sharing? Or possible alternatives for a similar thing? Vitpilen 401 is a little out of my price range, and seems reliability isn't fabulous since its basically KTM. Enfields are cool, but can't imagine sourcing parts for them is easy. Triumph seems pretty expensive too. Was also looking at a mid 00's Hornet 599, but pre 2007 are the nice looking ones to me, but I sure as hell don't wanna deal with carbs since it will be my only bike and I wanna use it daily.
Realistically $5k is about my budget fwiw. SV650 is cool, but I heard insurance on those is shooting through the roof these days, and that bike is probably a bit too advanced for my ability anyway.
My CBR125 is away for the winter - now I am looking at options to upgrade to something a little bigger / more versatile while still hopefully keeping my insurance low next spring.
Been debating on a few bikes, but the cb500f seems like the best option just from lurking online at low displacement nakeds when looking at price and reliability.
Still need to quote out insurance but seems there's not much point in doing that months in advance since rates may change and quotes are only good for 30 days I believe? Regardless, I am hoping since the 500 is not an "r" and still relatively low displacement, I can get a good rate. Hopefully. I imagine 1 year experience won't do S*** to lower my rate.
Anyone on here have any personal experience with the bike that would be worth sharing? Or possible alternatives for a similar thing? Vitpilen 401 is a little out of my price range, and seems reliability isn't fabulous since its basically KTM. Enfields are cool, but can't imagine sourcing parts for them is easy. Triumph seems pretty expensive too. Was also looking at a mid 00's Hornet 599, but pre 2007 are the nice looking ones to me, but I sure as hell don't wanna deal with carbs since it will be my only bike and I wanna use it daily.
Realistically $5k is about my budget fwiw. SV650 is cool, but I heard insurance on those is shooting through the roof these days, and that bike is probably a bit too advanced for my ability anyway.