This season has been terrible for motorcyclists

Crap flows downhill.

The CEO of XYZ Mega store has to please the investors with more profit. Without increased profit the stock market collapses. If you want to have economists crap themselves talk about deflation. We've exhausted traditional resources so the CEO has to squeeze more juice out of either the clients or the suppliers.

In a broad sense:

The customers get higher prices.

XYZ employees are in essence suppliers of labour and must be squeezed as well.

The XYZ employees are also customers in the overall economic scenario and face increased costs, a double whammy.

Tell the XYZ employee to take it easy on the highway when he's going to be docked for being late or have to pay a surcharge for not picking up the kids at daycare on time while facing a massive mortgage renewal that could have him living under a bridge and the third finger salute isn't a surprise.

Compare that to the shrinking number of people that are financially comfortable and the overall tension factor is not surprising.
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