This is our future?

Protest is one thing, damaging all sorts of property that isn't yours is another, no?

I am sorry if you can't see the difference between a protest against government action which is a cornerstone of democracy, and a crazy party.
I am further sorry that you can't tell the difference between a small sigment of trouble makers in an otherwise peaceful demostration, and everyone rioting.
Protest is one thing, damaging all sorts of property that isn't yours is another, no?

And that was the impression you got from the majority of people at the g20 protest? or are you just simply not reading my entire post.
And that was the impression you got from the majority of people at the g20 protest? or are you just simply not reading my entire post.

Actually, re-reading your post I realized that I missed the intent and my point is to agree with yours; the majority at the G20 (and others) didn't engage in that behaviour, I was only commenting on those that did. The right to protest is a cherished right and should always be so, it's too bad that idiots, just like the ones we just saw in London, feel the need to use the protest to give them an excuse to run rampant in the streets.
A lot of similarities actually. Both events had a select few idiots doing the majority of the damage, some of the idiots were imported in both cases. The underlying reason for the gatherings may have been different but similarities can be drawn even there; one group got together to express themselves because of their political beliefs, the other got together to express themselves because of their (seemingly) right to party. In the end it's always a few idiots that ruin everything.

So I agree to agree with you both, I think...
Of course there is the conspiracy theory that the Black Brigade that caused much of the trouble at the G20 is actually there to discourage legitimate protesters from showing up or at least take the media attention away from the true concerns.

Also the torching of a High Park playground was part of the NDP reaction to Harpers get tough on juveniles program. The miniature wooden castle was going to be turned into a prison for five year olds.

I fear the sheep more than I fear the wolves. The wolves do the damage while the flock sits back doing nothing about it.
We thought Canada is safe from liberalism, guess that's not the case.

Break what's not yours; Spend what you don't have; Take what you didn't earn; Live the way you told other's not to... It's the philosophy Canada willfully adopting.

The world must end.

Since when is being a criminal jackass the definition of "liberal"?
Another similarity is that riot police in both situations did nothing while citizens property was destroyed. Why have riot squads if they serve no purpose.

Options become limited in the residential neighbourhood they were in. They were greatly outnumbered and while they could have gone in and started cracking skulls, the biggest danger (the fire in the steet) didn't warrant it... Yet. I'm sure that had that fire started towards some houses or outright violence broken out they would have flown in there following a CS gas deployment (which would be a ***** for all the residents to decontaminate from).
There will be a few spots opening up at Fanshawe this coming week .. apparently they are going to review the footage of all the videos and remove any students involved.

50 bucks they will caught some idiots braggin on facebook showing what they were doing.

It isn't all of London. There is a massive part of London that is heavily populated by students going to Western (I don't live far from this area) and in the 10 years I've been in London I've never heard of anything even remotely like this near Western. Sure there are keggers and house parties, sometimes the cops get called, thats the end of it. The worst I saw on my way past Western this morning on my way to the gym was beer bottles and cups on people's lawns. No overturned cars on fire, no fences destroyed, no riot gear police officers.

This riot, and the semi-frequent problems that occur on Halloween or St Paddy's day are very localized in the East end of London and seems to be mostly Fanshawe College students.

Expulsion seems reasonable to me, and charges if people can be identified from video.

Hey, when I saw that, I though it was your crew wrecking the place :rolleyes:

... some of the idiots were imported in both cases. .

Were there police in civilian clothing instigating riots???? :shock:
Another similarity is that riot police in both situations did nothing while citizens property was destroyed. Why have riot squads if they serve no purpose.

In a situation like that they won't risk injury, to themselves or the rioters, just for property. I agree with coyo that if they started to set fire to homes, it would have been a completely different situation.

and with the purchase of Astral their job options just got smaller.

True 'nuff. As a result we can expect to see the same morons rioting in the streets, the day that they graduate.
In a situation like that they won't risk injury, to themselves or the rioters, just for property. I agree with coyo that if they started to set fire to homes, it would have been a completely different situation.

And I forgot to mention; it didn't really look like a lot of riot squad guys there, more like they threw it together and the rest was regular patrol units.
And I forgot to mention; it didn't really look like a lot of riot squad guys there, more like they threw it together and the rest was regular patrol units.

There were no riot squad guys there at all. All LPD cruisers have a shield and helmet in the trunk. Any officer you see in videos with a shield and helmet is just a regular patrol officer.
An obvious case of resume building, with a slant towards employment with CITY-TV or Global.

Perhaps it worked out well, that the ones expelled will not become journalists after all. What were they thinking??? - I know, they were not obviously.
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